Day 1- Rested a lot today. i had little hunger. Watched paul washed and that totally got me on the right path because he said fasting is not for ourself but to give up everything for christ. its not a way to get what we want because we feel like we disserve something because our offering in the form of suffering from not got me to think abotu my other fasts and i really wanted this one to be about the lord and just praise him and feel his presence and love. I wanted to be tansformed. i didnt want to get through it and say nothing happned.
But i have noticed that satan is working over time to discourage me telling me that god is not hearing me and that its just a waste of time but i keep reafirming that jesus is on my side and that i no longer is going to go by my "feelings" which love dicating me. i was going to go by gods word and his promise and i was going to hold on to that till redemption and recevery came and that i am not going to stop this fast until i fee at peace and right now im not there yet and the lord is working on me still. Praise his name.
Day 2-
Today was a pretty layed back day didnt really spend much time praying or reading the bible till later on in the day but thats ok :) i read isaiah 55,58 and 59! they were all humbling and great. I will continue to read colossians and hope to go on to thessalonians 1&2 and finish those as well. :) Todya has been amazing. I have not been hunry almost at all and later on in the day i started feeling the lords love for me and how he is sustaing me. I felt empowered and felt as if i finnaly was doing this fasting the correct way amen ? as if jesus was holding my hands saying you dont need food when you got me. I even watched quite a lot of the food network and veria and learned a lot about good health and saw a lot of great yummy food but i wanted nothing to do with it, It surprised me a lot because during my other fasts the second day is very very hard especially at night but i guess this time my reasons for doing it and my prespective and where my heads at is good i guess :)
The lord is definetly helping me and i dont know when he will tell me to stop. maybe when hunger comes back again ? i really dont know. Right now i feel perfect and would not wnat to eat if you put my fav foods. Its sucha differnce from last time. Wow. i have been drinkig at least 2 liters of water. you now nothing on this planet matters but jesus christ and what he did for us. He gave up his life so we could have life and yet we all love to run away from the truth and from his great work because we love our sin to much. see when you start to learn more about gods ways you will realize that its not about you anymore and you start to learn and realize how amazing and forgiving god is. you also learn how far away from him you are and how unworthy and ugly you are which makes you praise him all the more. Im not going to rambel for ever but the bottom line is that god lovs us and wants a relationship with us and the only reason he has done what he has and continues to is because of his promise and his HUGE amazing heart of LOVE. i no longer want to just be an "average" christian i want to be on fire for him! He so disserves it and i thank him over and over again for rising this interest and motivation in me. It goes back to .."Its all him"
look forward :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Real, True Fasting
Reading about true fasting in the bible and lerning about it through videos and people has really changed the way i look at it. Fasting is not a way to gain favor with god. Its not a means of getting what we want because we feel like we are offering something to god in the form of suffering. Looking back at my fasting experiances i can say they were a bit selfish. though i wanted to get closer to the lord my motives were all wrong. I liked the accoplisment of it and counted the days i fasted as a measure of sucesss. I wasnt in it as much as i should have been and i was wondering how come i dont feel you lord ? When i do all this for you , i feel like your far ! But its as if hes saying to me .. Betty do it for me and i will glorify you. So the lord must come first in all we do weather it be salvation or anything, When we forget us and put him first that when our light up with glory. fasting comes from passion where food the basic necesity is no longer needed because a passsion for something great consumes you and you want to give it your all and rely on the lord while he works that situation out for you! How amazing this is. Its a great lesson. You know what im tired of being a luke warm chrisitan . i want to be a fire a FURNACE for god. So i dont doubt my salvation or nothing but rely on him and hold his hand through life with full confidence and thats what i want this fast to be all about! I want to pray for my whole family especially to break the bond of alchol on my dad and praying and pleading for the world. To be humbled so that i may be lowerd and so that i may glorify jesus more and be more like him.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
48 hour Slim down

ok baby so to look your best at OC eat small meals often and do zuzana workout tomorrow a torturoues one.
Bike late at night and eat every very healthy. trust me it will help. You have been eating because of you period the past 2 days so its time to make sure you maaintain your new earned body. We dont want the back fat to come back. So workut out liek crazy, eat clean and WORK IT BABY> i ahve always told you. postiivity chantges everything. so here are some dirty otivate you. yes i got that term from the dirty pic song lol
I have tried on bikinis several times and i cant tell you have pleased i am with the results.
My biking and zuzana workouts combined with the life changing eat clean diet has changed my body.
MY back fat is almost completly gone and im confident of it now and i cant believe im saying this but im finally proud of my body. I have realized the ocean city wasnt going to be the turning point of my life. Im still figuring it all out and i have made grat changes. Now i dont like skipping my zuzana torturoues workout. Seriously and this eating clean lifestyle has been amazing. Betty im so happy becuase i dont care what i look like in a bikini. i hve confidence and i am goign to choose to celebrate how far i have come. I learned such great things lately.
1. Being patient wheni dont see results to keep pushing because soon there would e a brakthrough
2. Not to stare at my self daily for hors whishing i would see change
3. Laughing at my mistakes and moving on quickly
4. enjoying the process
5. Loving where i ama dn appreciating it because it can always get worse.
Finally i cant tell yu how surprized i am and how far my body has come. seriously i even took videos with my bikini and i have never looked this good. So its better than last yar. and the past 2 ays i have been eating a lot becau7se i got my period which makes me act like im prego like darryl says lol. and god i love him. there are so many things to be thankful for betty. and im glad that i can relax at ocean city. looking back last year ocean city i was no where near where i am today and its not about betty i cant belive you are not at yur best as far yor body goes.there is so much that happpnes and it takes time. Now the pices are finally coming together. Every year it gets better. Im learning and im happy :)))
My biking and zuzana workouts combined with the life changing eat clean diet has changed my body.
MY back fat is almost completly gone and im confident of it now and i cant believe im saying this but im finally proud of my body. I have realized the ocean city wasnt going to be the turning point of my life. Im still figuring it all out and i have made grat changes. Now i dont like skipping my zuzana torturoues workout. Seriously and this eating clean lifestyle has been amazing. Betty im so happy becuase i dont care what i look like in a bikini. i hve confidence and i am goign to choose to celebrate how far i have come. I learned such great things lately.
1. Being patient wheni dont see results to keep pushing because soon there would e a brakthrough
2. Not to stare at my self daily for hors whishing i would see change
3. Laughing at my mistakes and moving on quickly
4. enjoying the process
5. Loving where i ama dn appreciating it because it can always get worse.
Finally i cant tell yu how surprized i am and how far my body has come. seriously i even took videos with my bikini and i have never looked this good. So its better than last yar. and the past 2 ays i have been eating a lot becau7se i got my period which makes me act like im prego like darryl says lol. and god i love him. there are so many things to be thankful for betty. and im glad that i can relax at ocean city. looking back last year ocean city i was no where near where i am today and its not about betty i cant belive you are not at yur best as far yor body goes.there is so much that happpnes and it takes time. Now the pices are finally coming together. Every year it gets better. Im learning and im happy :)))
Ocean city preparation. :) WOOT baby
Black forever 21 button down shirt
Fav blue jeans
Green skirt
Pruple ruffle top
black scruch top
Demin destroyed shirt
Yellow Usa dress
Cream clored bra
Brown bra
Black underwear
Pink disco thong
Yellow polka dot shirt
Platform sandals
Navy blue tommy hilfigure sandal
new charlotte russe black platforms
White dc shoes.
several socks
dove light shampoo
Dove ligh conditioner
Tooth brush
Small and large comb
Good lotion
LAy in bed and listen to i made it :P
Be thankful for what you have
Read bible every night
Sling shot
Be merry and enjoy
workout stay fit
eat clean :)
Money $$$
I pod
Phone charger
Black forever 21 button down shirt
Fav blue jeans
Green skirt
Pruple ruffle top
black scruch top
Demin destroyed shirt
Yellow Usa dress
Cream clored bra
Brown bra
Black underwear
Pink disco thong
Yellow polka dot shirt
Platform sandals
Navy blue tommy hilfigure sandal
new charlotte russe black platforms
White dc shoes.
several socks
dove light shampoo
Dove ligh conditioner
Tooth brush
Small and large comb
Good lotion
LAy in bed and listen to i made it :P
Be thankful for what you have
Read bible every night
Sling shot
Be merry and enjoy
workout stay fit
eat clean :)
Money $$$
I pod
Phone charger
Monday, August 9, 2010
okey so the Oc trip was supposed to be on aug. 27 now its the coming fiday and the excitment and anticipation is building. I am trying to lose weight and look sexy in this limited amount of time. Ii have done great with my workouts. excellent. my diet has been ok but today i really over ate at lunch :( hh well i guess my body was tored of 3 straight days of very intese bodyweight workouts and a bike ride later in the day. it catches up with ya i guess but im still learning and its not the end of the world. I have about 4 days couting friday so i ahe a good plan .
Workouts- continue intense zuzana workouts at least 15 mins.
Breakfast- very small egg whites, 1-3 apple
snack- half apple
lunch- rest of eg whites
snack- veggies
dinner- veggies
So this is the whole 3 day plan. only one serving of fruit. egg whites split in two meals one after wrkout for sure.lots of water. last tow meals are veggies.
Workouts- continue intense zuzana workouts at least 15 mins.
Breakfast- very small egg whites, 1-3 apple
snack- half apple
lunch- rest of eg whites
snack- veggies
dinner- veggies
So this is the whole 3 day plan. only one serving of fruit. egg whites split in two meals one after wrkout for sure.lots of water. last tow meals are veggies.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Learning to be patient ( Best day of my life)
...You know its that four letter word that no one understands, But you try and you try and with every opportnity, challenge you grow and you start to learn more about yourself. There are times you will feel
so heart broken and the tears flow as if they would never stop.And then there are times you are in awe and everything is perfect. Its such a roller coaster ride. As for me , to be honest it has been unreal. Reflecting back on where i have come from and where i am it makes me very happy and greatful. I have grown so much and thinking about growing and learning a billion times more before all this is over is astounding. but most of all i have learned that love is the language. You know i really thought about it and i said to myself "Betty when all this is over do you know for a fact that you would look back and be happy with what you made out of your life?" taht question is probably the most serioues question alive. We try so hard to find happiness and love. That what we all strive for. The drug addict, the shopaholic, the president, the little child, the mother, the father, the world. What ever you do do it because you love it and do it for you. Be open about every, every opportunity you get even when it seems so hard and there is nothing to take from it. Simple things are so beautiful like the sigh of a mother and her child laying on a grassy hill adn the suns bright and they are surrounded by lillies. Nothing matter when you are in that moment. Live life to love. To give . I know it hurts and its not the easiest thing in the world and its so easy to be selfish but you try your best. We are little babies in this life and we run around thinking we know it all but we know so little. After a while of trying a billion things you realize that there is no destination. Its one big journy called life that you gotta take day by day becuse you dont know when its going to be your last.challenges come and you try your best and you may fail but there are many more chances and when they do come i hope you look back and say. I have come father than before. Because how can you measure sucess ? you cant. its an ongoing thing so if you gt a little farther this time then you have done your job. No need to beat yourself up over it. you try and you learn and you may think you are some human out of a million but you are special and you have a purpose. god has a plan for your life. Please if you take one thing form all this remember to live your life with love. Whatever you do do it in love. So when you lay in bed at night you can say i did my best today. you learn to be patient because you approach every day and every second with a positive outlook. then everything seems fine. the waves crash a little lighter and you feel the breeze a little more.
every challnge and journy has a life of its own and you can only present what you are capable of at that specific time but as time passes and you get stronger than before you look back to say hey im getting a little better now. you cant beat up your slef for what you have failed to do. this is not an excuse to be lazy and fail but if you relaly try and you falll. get back up and look at the rainbow and know that its ok. and you learn to accept you place in life and you learn to love it. every moment is beautiful. suddenly when you think its all over and your hurt is too great to change you look up to see a rinbow. each color represting hope, life, and beauty and courage. at that moment everything changes and you realize that its not about trying to get somewhere where you can be repelant to hurt , its about the right now! and even though your heart hurts tears start to fall because you feel happy and loved. see life is not about trying to get to a place where you will be happy and perect. the winds move and they will shake you till youroutta this place so make the most of every cahnce you get and most of all be thankful for what you have been given ,for what you ahve learned and the people you have been blessed enough to meet .learn to smile. every moment can be a little better and your place in life can be a little bit more confertable but you learn that you can be happy in the midst of chaos. Because there is hope and there is beauty. This is all a beautiful journy that makes you who ou are. Everything you do changes you and it sabout focusing on the little details and taking it day by day. hey , the i see a rainbow dont you ? :)
source- i saw the bachlerotte when ali sent christ home and how he handeled it was soooo beautiful and inspiring and at the end he saw a rainbow and his mom told him to look out for a rainbow becuase that was a sign of her looking over him. He said i know my mom is looking down at me saying christ well done. its moments like this that change you life and it changed mine forever jsut by watching it. i felt so heart broken for him , my heart just went out to him. but you see you can be heart and you can still learn to move on.
...You know its that four letter word that no one understands, But you try and you try and with every opportnity, challenge you grow and you start to learn more about yourself. There are times you will feel
so heart broken and the tears flow as if they would never stop.And then there are times you are in awe and everything is perfect. Its such a roller coaster ride. As for me , to be honest it has been unreal. Reflecting back on where i have come from and where i am it makes me very happy and greatful. I have grown so much and thinking about growing and learning a billion times more before all this is over is astounding. but most of all i have learned that love is the language. You know i really thought about it and i said to myself "Betty when all this is over do you know for a fact that you would look back and be happy with what you made out of your life?" taht question is probably the most serioues question alive. We try so hard to find happiness and love. That what we all strive for. The drug addict, the shopaholic, the president, the little child, the mother, the father, the world. What ever you do do it because you love it and do it for you. Be open about every, every opportunity you get even when it seems so hard and there is nothing to take from it. Simple things are so beautiful like the sigh of a mother and her child laying on a grassy hill adn the suns bright and they are surrounded by lillies. Nothing matter when you are in that moment. Live life to love. To give . I know it hurts and its not the easiest thing in the world and its so easy to be selfish but you try your best. We are little babies in this life and we run around thinking we know it all but we know so little. After a while of trying a billion things you realize that there is no destination. Its one big journy called life that you gotta take day by day becuse you dont know when its going to be your last.challenges come and you try your best and you may fail but there are many more chances and when they do come i hope you look back and say. I have come father than before. Because how can you measure sucess ? you cant. its an ongoing thing so if you gt a little farther this time then you have done your job. No need to beat yourself up over it. you try and you learn and you may think you are some human out of a million but you are special and you have a purpose. god has a plan for your life. Please if you take one thing form all this remember to live your life with love. Whatever you do do it in love. So when you lay in bed at night you can say i did my best today. you learn to be patient because you approach every day and every second with a positive outlook. then everything seems fine. the waves crash a little lighter and you feel the breeze a little more.
every challnge and journy has a life of its own and you can only present what you are capable of at that specific time but as time passes and you get stronger than before you look back to say hey im getting a little better now. you cant beat up your slef for what you have failed to do. this is not an excuse to be lazy and fail but if you relaly try and you falll. get back up and look at the rainbow and know that its ok. and you learn to accept you place in life and you learn to love it. every moment is beautiful. suddenly when you think its all over and your hurt is too great to change you look up to see a rinbow. each color represting hope, life, and beauty and courage. at that moment everything changes and you realize that its not about trying to get somewhere where you can be repelant to hurt , its about the right now! and even though your heart hurts tears start to fall because you feel happy and loved. see life is not about trying to get to a place where you will be happy and perect. the winds move and they will shake you till youroutta this place so make the most of every cahnce you get and most of all be thankful for what you have been given ,for what you ahve learned and the people you have been blessed enough to meet .learn to smile. every moment can be a little better and your place in life can be a little bit more confertable but you learn that you can be happy in the midst of chaos. Because there is hope and there is beauty. This is all a beautiful journy that makes you who ou are. Everything you do changes you and it sabout focusing on the little details and taking it day by day. hey , the i see a rainbow dont you ? :)
source- i saw the bachlerotte when ali sent christ home and how he handeled it was soooo beautiful and inspiring and at the end he saw a rainbow and his mom told him to look out for a rainbow becuase that was a sign of her looking over him. He said i know my mom is looking down at me saying christ well done. its moments like this that change you life and it changed mine forever jsut by watching it. i felt so heart broken for him , my heart just went out to him. but you see you can be heart and you can still learn to move on.
10 Day Challenge ♥
Start date- Aug 2nd,2010
End date- Aug 12,2010
Total- 10 days.
Goal- My weight has come down and i am eating a lot better than i used to and im getting used to it. For the next 10 days though i want to eat at least 5 meals a day and they are all going to be small portioned.
Im also going to be jucing for 10 days straight bt i need to buy some veggies. :0
i want to do zuzana workouts incorporatiing the abs and the ab rocket every other day. when i really think about it the intesity short workouts will allow me to get ripped and feel strong. 2 very important things. For the next 10 days there is very low carb and high protien and low fat. but adding good fats.
So lets put it all together.
NO soda
No breads
High protien
Low fat
Ltos of water
Ab rocket every toehr day ( 5 days total)
Zuzana workouts at least 20 mins each
biking at least every other day
**Must log in everything you eat and drink for the day
** Must weigh in every 2 days
** Must watch a motivating video online.
End date- Aug 12,2010
Total- 10 days.
Goal- My weight has come down and i am eating a lot better than i used to and im getting used to it. For the next 10 days though i want to eat at least 5 meals a day and they are all going to be small portioned.
Im also going to be jucing for 10 days straight bt i need to buy some veggies. :0
i want to do zuzana workouts incorporatiing the abs and the ab rocket every other day. when i really think about it the intesity short workouts will allow me to get ripped and feel strong. 2 very important things. For the next 10 days there is very low carb and high protien and low fat. but adding good fats.
So lets put it all together.
NO soda
No breads
High protien
Low fat
Ltos of water
Ab rocket every toehr day ( 5 days total)
Zuzana workouts at least 20 mins each
biking at least every other day
**Must log in everything you eat and drink for the day
** Must weigh in every 2 days
** Must watch a motivating video online.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
12 day countdown
Okey so 12 days before darryl comes and you gotta look BANGIN :)
its going to be helpful for my ocean city bod! strict dieting from now on baby.
its going to be helpful for my ocean city bod! strict dieting from now on baby.
Day 7
Breakfast- banana pre biking
Snack- apple post bike ride
Lunch- couse couse salad
Snack- apple
Snack- apple post bike ride
Lunch- couse couse salad
Snack- apple
Day 6
Day 6
breakfast- banana
snack- apple
lunch- couse couse salad
snack- none
dinner- Medium plate lasana , rice taste of ginger ale
breakfast- banana
snack- apple
lunch- couse couse salad
snack- none
dinner- Medium plate lasana , rice taste of ginger ale
.... so in love with bike riding. Lance is my new inspiration.:)
Lance miester is my all time MAN now lol. Im happy i found a new
passion. Its also helping me stay fit and keeps my cardiovascular health great.
.... so in love with bike riding. Lance is my new inspiration.:)
Lance miester is my all time MAN now lol. Im happy i found a new
passion. Its also helping me stay fit and keeps my cardiovascular health great.
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