look forward :)

look forward :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

2010 summer Fasting Log. :)

Day 1- Rested a lot today. i had little hunger. Watched paul washed and that totally got me on the right path because he said fasting is not for ourself but to give up everything for christ. its not a way to get what we want because we feel like we disserve something because our offering in the form of suffering from not eating.it got me to think abotu my other fasts and i really wanted this one to be about the lord and just praise him and feel his presence and love. I wanted to be tansformed. i didnt want to get through it and say nothing happned.
But i have noticed that satan is working over time to discourage me telling me that god is not hearing me and that its just a waste of time but i keep reafirming that jesus is on my side and that i no longer is going to go by my "feelings" which love dicating me. i was going to go by gods word and his promise and i was going to hold on to that till redemption and recevery came and that i am not going to stop this fast until i fee at peace and right now im not there yet and the lord is working on me still. Praise his name.

Day 2-
Today was a pretty layed back day didnt really spend much time praying or reading the bible till later on in the day but thats ok :) i read isaiah 55,58 and 59! they were all humbling and great. I will continue to read colossians and hope to go on to thessalonians 1&2 and finish those as well. :) Todya has been amazing. I have not been hunry almost at all and later on in the day i started feeling the lords love for me and how he is sustaing me. I felt empowered and felt as if i finnaly was doing this fasting the correct way amen ? as if jesus was holding my hands saying you dont need food when you got me. I even watched quite a lot of the food network and veria and learned a lot about good health and saw a lot of great yummy food but i wanted nothing to do with it, It surprised me a lot because during my other fasts the second day is very very hard especially at night but i guess this time my reasons for doing it and my prespective and where my heads at is good i guess :)
The lord is definetly helping me and i dont know when he will tell me to stop. maybe when hunger comes back again ? i really dont know. Right now i feel perfect and would not wnat to eat if you put my fav foods. Its sucha differnce from last time. Wow. i have been drinkig at least 2 liters of water. you now nothing on this planet matters but jesus christ and what he did for us. He gave up his life so we could have life and yet we all love to run away from the truth and from his great work because we love our sin to much. see when you start to learn more about gods ways you will realize that its not about you anymore and you start to learn and realize how amazing and forgiving god is. you also learn how far away from him you are and how unworthy and ugly you are which makes you praise him all the more. Im not going to rambel for ever but the bottom line is that god lovs us and wants a relationship with us and the only reason he has done what he has and continues to is because of his promise and his HUGE amazing heart of LOVE. i no longer want to just be an "average" christian i want to be on fire for him! He so disserves it and i thank him over and over again for rising this interest and motivation in me. It goes back to .."Its all him"

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