Breakfast- banana ,,coffee
snack- apple
lunch- school lunch, apple.. ( cookie, 1/2 fries, 1/2 burger)
coffee :P 3 shots
yoguts, keylime and boston creme pie.
more coffee
today bethel came evrything was trown out of wack.
i Ate lunch at school a big no-no and then i had yogurt at home.
but hey you just have to do that sometimes. thats wat keeps you sane. lol
look forward :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Building yourslef..Victory is here
Building does not tear down but accepts the facts and looks for ways to better ones self. I want to be a builder not a destroyer. no matter where i am in life weather i come short or rise above my expectation i want to keep on building what i started. Everything i long to achive and the habits i want to change didnt form over night and they are not going to dissapear easily but if i am determined, belive in my self and see my self as already being where i want to be then the job is already done. I have reached my goal already. i dont need a certain time or date to determain my victory...victory is already here if i belive in who i say i am. After you go over this mountain then the rest is a robotic journey. you do what is painful and hard because you have set your mind and there is no way out. And if i could have it any other way i wouldnt take any of it back :)
what i belive i can achive.
what i belive i can achive.
Day 10
breakfast- banana
snack- apple
lunch- teff injara with little tibs and potatoe wet
nap..then an hour of biking
snack- banan post workout
dinner- little bit doro wet with cous couse. teff injara. small portion
Treat- couple chips of Stacys paremsa garlic herb.
Comments- im really proud of my portion control it get easier and now its almost very natural. i dont need big big portios. im satisfied with smaller ones. also i want to focus on eating my small meals and not missing meals because then that puts me at a risk to over eat
snack- apple
lunch- teff injara with little tibs and potatoe wet
nap..then an hour of biking
snack- banan post workout
dinner- little bit doro wet with cous couse. teff injara. small portion
Treat- couple chips of Stacys paremsa garlic herb.
Comments- im really proud of my portion control it get easier and now its almost very natural. i dont need big big portios. im satisfied with smaller ones. also i want to focus on eating my small meals and not missing meals because then that puts me at a risk to over eat
Sunday, September 19, 2010
70 day challenge day 9
okey so im finding that there is a lot of info our there and its easy to get confused. now what i want to do is see how much progress i can make in 70 days. Its going to be a lifestyle change. my eating is going to get more seriues and fine tuned and so are my workouts. I want to learn and APPLY my knowledge about working out and nutrition and get rid of the mentality that i cant be fit. I will BE :) i cant wait to see how much my body and nutrition have changed! Most importantly i want to be in control of my diet more than anything because its the most important part and just accomplish somethinhg great for once and this is just the begening its not a phase its a journey for life!
Week 2 .. Total-Day 9
Breakfast- banana ( pre biking)
snack- seasoned sardine with salt pepper, garlicy lime..
lunch- peach and something else
dinner- small plate of teff injara with misir
snack- banana
snack- seasoned sardine with salt pepper, garlicy lime..
lunch- peach and something else
dinner- small plate of teff injara with misir
snack- banana
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Week 2, T0tal- day 8
Breakfast- 3/4 of an apple
snack- 1 slice toasted organic bread with sardine drained and garlic no salt
lunch- 1/2 salad from mall
snack- peach
Dinner- small teff injara with little bit of misir couple small pices of steak, cinnamom muffin.
Comment- day wenyt well. i ate healthy at the mall. didnt have any temptation at all.
i can tell my mind is. i find myself not eating things i though were okey on my other Dieting phases like sushi because i never gave up my sushie lol. even at night when mom gave me that cinnamom muffin i just ate it because i had control over the situation and i didnt enjoy it much to be honest and now im kinda glad because i know i dont need it :) so it was a good experiance.
snack- 1 slice toasted organic bread with sardine drained and garlic no salt
lunch- 1/2 salad from mall
snack- peach
Dinner- small teff injara with little bit of misir couple small pices of steak, cinnamom muffin.
Comment- day wenyt well. i ate healthy at the mall. didnt have any temptation at all.
i can tell my mind is. i find myself not eating things i though were okey on my other Dieting phases like sushi because i never gave up my sushie lol. even at night when mom gave me that cinnamom muffin i just ate it because i had control over the situation and i didnt enjoy it much to be honest and now im kinda glad because i know i dont need it :) so it was a good experiance.
Friday, September 17, 2010
day 7
Breakfast- banana
snack- prune
lunch- apple
snack- small plate of misir with balck teff injara
dinner- very small sheet of injara with misir and 2 slices of organic bread
with 3 tiny pieces of stake and sun dried tomatoes. yumm.
Workout- 1 and a half hour of biking a lot on hard resistance
P.s i noticed im doing better at the high resistance :) yay me
Comments- eating smaller portion is getting easier everyday. its like a habit and i cant wait to make it a long term habit that is very natural to me. big portions are never ever necassary. eating wrong foods might happen but this is one of those things that should almost never happne after you devlop the habit. Im so proud of my self. this week i have been building my self up as i like to call it and thinking positive and not letting the mirror dictate how i feel about myself and im learning to be patient. most of all itsbecoming more of a lifestyle. i love it
snack- prune
lunch- apple
snack- small plate of misir with balck teff injara
dinner- very small sheet of injara with misir and 2 slices of organic bread
with 3 tiny pieces of stake and sun dried tomatoes. yumm.
Workout- 1 and a half hour of biking a lot on hard resistance
P.s i noticed im doing better at the high resistance :) yay me
Comments- eating smaller portion is getting easier everyday. its like a habit and i cant wait to make it a long term habit that is very natural to me. big portions are never ever necassary. eating wrong foods might happen but this is one of those things that should almost never happne after you devlop the habit. Im so proud of my self. this week i have been building my self up as i like to call it and thinking positive and not letting the mirror dictate how i feel about myself and im learning to be patient. most of all itsbecoming more of a lifestyle. i love it
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Update on my portion sizes
my portion sizes have gottena lot smaller and i try to make sure not everything i eat is cooked.
I dont really see any big changes now but its tooo early. I have been very motivated lately because i realized that i want the results i acheieve to happen as a result of my lifestyle not because thats the only thing that matters. im focusing on building my self up and embracing the fact the "Something is better than nothing" :) as my girl Holly says.
I dont really see any big changes now but its tooo early. I have been very motivated lately because i realized that i want the results i acheieve to happen as a result of my lifestyle not because thats the only thing that matters. im focusing on building my self up and embracing the fact the "Something is better than nothing" :) as my girl Holly says.
Day 5
Breakfast- handful carrots
Snack- none
Lunch- small portion fries, pear
snack- 1 thin plate of teff injara with misir
dinner- half of small plate of cous cous (raw)
Snack- none
Lunch- small portion fries, pear
snack- 1 thin plate of teff injara with misir
dinner- half of small plate of cous cous (raw)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Fitness Is a lifestyle not a Destination
Lets get down to it,
Great results and a great physic is a lifestyle not a destination, It took me a while to actually fully realize this but being fit and looking great comes from dedication and patience. If you want to look like a fitness model you see on youtube you are not going to look like that ever because you are just temporarily dieting and working out to look that way. Now why in the world would you put your self and your body through all that if you dont want to maintain it long term ? exactly. So eating healthy and working out is not done so you JUST get results. Its done because its a lifestyle and your number one goal should be gaining strength, endurance and progression from your Workouts while you derive energy, overall well being, stable moods and decepline and control over your food intake. Now i am not leaving out the results of all this. Believe me its what keeps me and many of you motivated . Seeing that new toned arm and flat stomach keeps you motivated and proud. But the most important thing to realize it that you have to take it slow. First do your reasearch and second dont starve yourself and please make sure your workouts are intesne but not to point where you are blacking out!. So this is probably the most important thing i have learned when it comes to fitness and getting healthy is to be PATIENT> dont let what you see in the mirror dictate how you feel about yourself. Anything is posibile. A great diet that supports your well being and results, and a workout plan that keeps you challenged, strong , alive and feeling great ! :)
Bottom line-
:Its when you realize all the challenges the ups and downs that come with dedication and a lifestyle to fitness and health .. that you realize how easy it is."-- Betty
Great results and a great physic is a lifestyle not a destination, It took me a while to actually fully realize this but being fit and looking great comes from dedication and patience. If you want to look like a fitness model you see on youtube you are not going to look like that ever because you are just temporarily dieting and working out to look that way. Now why in the world would you put your self and your body through all that if you dont want to maintain it long term ? exactly. So eating healthy and working out is not done so you JUST get results. Its done because its a lifestyle and your number one goal should be gaining strength, endurance and progression from your Workouts while you derive energy, overall well being, stable moods and decepline and control over your food intake. Now i am not leaving out the results of all this. Believe me its what keeps me and many of you motivated . Seeing that new toned arm and flat stomach keeps you motivated and proud. But the most important thing to realize it that you have to take it slow. First do your reasearch and second dont starve yourself and please make sure your workouts are intesne but not to point where you are blacking out!. So this is probably the most important thing i have learned when it comes to fitness and getting healthy is to be PATIENT> dont let what you see in the mirror dictate how you feel about yourself. Anything is posibile. A great diet that supports your well being and results, and a workout plan that keeps you challenged, strong , alive and feeling great ! :)
Bottom line-
- Patience- If you keep staring at your body 24/7 looking for magical results you are going to be let down. again eating healthy and working out is done because its a good thing to do for your happiness and your health. the Results are secondary. As weird as this sounds believe me just simply chasing after results and results only will lead to failure and dissapontment. Its better to take it slow , engoy the process, do your reaserch ...learn and transform your diet and workout each and everyday. Something is better than nothing :)
- Positivity- Dont beat yourself down syaing look how bad i look , this will never change, this weight is soo hard to come off, its too hard balh balhblah. This kind of talk will never get you anywhere. you need to realize and accept where you are and know that change is posibile. Get the idea of being healthy as painful and boring. It doesnt have to be! Build yourself up. tell yourself its okey to be where you are. Afterall there are people who were in your shoes 10 time worse yet they have overcome the battle of being overweight and unhappy. Take a good look in the mirror and inbrace whats important. Yeah the media and many things can lead you astray but theres nothing like the good old mind set of positivity.
:Its when you realize all the challenges the ups and downs that come with dedication and a lifestyle to fitness and health .. that you realize how easy it is."-- Betty
Day 4
Breakfast- pancake of 1egg and res egg whites
snack- pomogranate
lunch- apple
snack- none
dinner- 1 tilapia with handful carrots
snack- 1 thins teff injara with misir
snack- pomogranate
lunch- apple
snack- none
dinner- 1 tilapia with handful carrots
snack- 1 thins teff injara with misir
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 3
Breakfast- pear
2- small cous cous with onion, bell pepper, tamatoe, EVOO,salt, garlic powder
4- workout
6- dinner
8- snack
2- small cous cous with onion, bell pepper, tamatoe, EVOO,salt, garlic powder
4- workout
6- dinner
8- snack
day 2
Breakfast- small stir fry , banana
Snack- nectarine
Lunch- meduim shiro with abasha bread about 3 chunks
Snack- nectarine
Dinner- same as lunch
not bad but could work more on portion sizes better.
Snack- nectarine
Lunch- meduim shiro with abasha bread about 3 chunks
Snack- nectarine
Dinner- same as lunch
not bad but could work more on portion sizes better.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Day 1- Fat loss
Breakfast- nectarine
Snack- banana
Lunch- medium cous cous with injara
snack- very very little left over cous cous, prune
dinner- 2 eggs whole with ketcup
Snack- banana
Lunch- medium cous cous with injara
snack- very very little left over cous cous, prune
dinner- 2 eggs whole with ketcup
New School Yeat New Stready Goals ! :)
School started and family came and everything was new and along with that my eating habits went downhill. im not stressing it though . Lifes too short but now that everthings back into place i want to start my journey to a fit lifestyle. Taking it slow and learning as i go. No more beating my self down its all about finding the right plan for me since i have follow a lot of wrong ones. It the plan i have follow that has failed me not me.! Consistency is really key because it doesnt matter how great my meal plan or workout plan is unless i keep it up long term which brings me to my next point. I want to follow a nutritional and workout plan that wont fail me. that actually works long term. Im excited to see what this year brings. What new this time around ?
- Interval training consistently
- eating freaquently strictly
- staying natural with my diet
- eating enough calories for optimum preformance
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