look forward :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Day 2 Round 2
here we go. im a roll again. i got great results with my diet about a week ago which lasted a little more than two weeks. im seeing darrryl this saturday which gives me more time to look "whorish" as he says :D lol But my goal is to beat my old diet best which was last times and i will write down what i eat and do my workouts now that my toe is feeling better.:) So im getting a head start on new years. which i want to get fit my goal is to look my best by summer. till then every month i will try and be consistent because thats key !
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
3 day fat blast
egg whites
tuna in water
at least 25 mins of intese fat blasting cardio
including abs.
egg whites
tuna in water
at least 25 mins of intese fat blasting cardio
including abs.
Friday, December 17, 2010
end if day # 13( week 2 day 6)
wow tomorrow makes a complete two weeks! can you believe it ?
ok today i had the regular u kno oatmeal for breakfast, apple for snack and cup of brown rice when i got home and its been like 5 hours and ussually after my 3 hr naps im starving. not today. so maybe the brown rice is doing it. hmm i wonder. anyways things are goign well but i have had dream of me eatin the wrong thing like 4 times lol
ok today i had the regular u kno oatmeal for breakfast, apple for snack and cup of brown rice when i got home and its been like 5 hours and ussually after my 3 hr naps im starving. not today. so maybe the brown rice is doing it. hmm i wonder. anyways things are goign well but i have had dream of me eatin the wrong thing like 4 times lol
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Day # 12 ( week 2, day 5)
I skipped school today. to skip a math test. I dont have to take it tomorrow so i dont have to study but i do have to study for psyc. an open note test on intelligence. anyways i did a really INSANE workout. 2o mins long. for more info on reps time and excercices check the calander.
im looking better and better. i love it.
im looking better and better. i love it.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Day 11. ( Week 2 day 4)
learning experience. i had half of a small meat ball sample in food trends. I also ha d ateaspoon or table spoon of sour cream with tuna and brocoli. i just needed a little change. :) anyways im glad i did it because i know im the type of person who likes to obsess over things especially when i comes to diet and try and be all perfect but that is not reality. There is a difference between being determined and strong and obsessive. IF i dont let little things here and there happen im going to be overwhelmed and quit and that cant be good:) So today was a different day in a sense that i did learn something that will help me stay on this log term.
Results- as far as results go my back fat is the smallest it has ever been i believe and my arms definetly look noticeblt leaner and smaller. also my stomach too. The stomach is the last to go but its okey because no matter what goes first it wil all come together in the end. my boobs have gotten smaller which i am happy about. they look better now :)
Comments- this whole experiecne has been great so far, great results with my body and how i handel food. It has taken me so long to get here. i have never been so succesful :) and i am excited to see what the next 2 weeks bring.
Results- as far as results go my back fat is the smallest it has ever been i believe and my arms definetly look noticeblt leaner and smaller. also my stomach too. The stomach is the last to go but its okey because no matter what goes first it wil all come together in the end. my boobs have gotten smaller which i am happy about. they look better now :)
Comments- this whole experiecne has been great so far, great results with my body and how i handel food. It has taken me so long to get here. i have never been so succesful :) and i am excited to see what the next 2 weeks bring.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Double digits. #10
hit the double digits today. im happy. im seeing results. backs looks good boobes got smaller. yay lol they were big ya kno lol. ass looks pretty goood still. small but has shape. im liking this slow fat loss beccausei get to see results, adapt to my diet as a lifestyle because it is getting easier and also i get to mainatin a good shape:) did well again today. were on a roll arent we ? and yeah cravings are there but u just learn to ingore em.
Monday, December 13, 2010
day # 9 ( week 2, day 2)
i did well on my diet today. i had cravings even at school and at home i still manadged to stay on my clean diet. so my moto is if i get tempted i dont eating junk but eat more of the good stuff. sometimes its just hunger you know. my body has changed but its easy to say where are the great results. But fat loss is slow and i have to patient. so im not letting what i see in the mirror rack my progress. im measure my self with diet and excercice and the rest is up to my body to change. Somdays i will see great results others i wont and that okey. i have learned that having control over my diet and excercice is that keeps me happy. if i looked great and want to but could not control my diet i would still be unhappy right ? anyways im learning more about nutrition. when to wat, what to eat, how different foods affect your body even if its as simple as fruit.
UNstopable ( poem) ,
You have goals, but what happens
once you reach them ?
do you turn back to old ways
how can you make it all last ?
whif you reached perfectiong
you know it wont last
yur are in for some
dissapointment if you rely
on perfection.
so what if you get there
do you sunndently stop trying
does the motivation light go out
and turn into smokes of the past ?
life desnt operate on perfection
but on mistakes
that make you stronger
every day
you are not perfect
and if you were
wht would you be
living for
so get of the ground
look in the mirror and
tell your self
you are unstoable ! :)
--inspired by the daughty life
after you song.
once you reach them ?
do you turn back to old ways
how can you make it all last ?
whif you reached perfectiong
you know it wont last
yur are in for some
dissapointment if you rely
on perfection.
so what if you get there
do you sunndently stop trying
does the motivation light go out
and turn into smokes of the past ?
life desnt operate on perfection
but on mistakes
that make you stronger
every day
you are not perfect
and if you were
wht would you be
living for
so get of the ground
look in the mirror and
tell your self
you are unstoable ! :)
--inspired by the daughty life
after you song.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Day 7 & 8
Day 7
great day again. Had injara with amazing beef stew rather medium large as my cheat meal!
got my biking workout in. was nice since it was 45 degrees still veryy cold but though i would make good use of it since its proabbly the warmest its going to be.
Day 8-
goin beautifuly. not distracted at all after that cheat meal but
did notice a little bloating this morning form the night before.
had a great workout today 17 mins long. man felt my ht blood
rushing through me for sure. completed 9 rounds! not bad for 3
workouts including jump jacks- half burpee stands- backwrd lunges.
great day again. Had injara with amazing beef stew rather medium large as my cheat meal!
got my biking workout in. was nice since it was 45 degrees still veryy cold but though i would make good use of it since its proabbly the warmest its going to be.
Day 8-
goin beautifuly. not distracted at all after that cheat meal but
did notice a little bloating this morning form the night before.
had a great workout today 17 mins long. man felt my ht blood
rushing through me for sure. completed 9 rounds! not bad for 3
workouts including jump jacks- half burpee stands- backwrd lunges.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Day # 6 " You cant have all you desire, if you want it bad enough"
Its 5:05 day number 6! Havent cheated once baby. yeah wat wat.
anyways i would say im getting used to it. I have had coffe twice only in 6 days so its not like i use it to supress my apetitite and both times i drank it at night because i needed to read. anyways im really excited. i was 114 on the scale this morining and i did donate blood today. Finally! they were not like you iron level is to low like last time so yay! i really cant wait to seee great resuts.
** you know wat you gotta start somewhere
true passion doesnt compare itself against anyone
you want to be the best version of yourself
and dont stop dreaming big because it all starts
with a like then a want then a desire then a
determniation then a passion that you cant put out!
You cant let what you see in the mirror bring you down
you are reprsenting all those who have failed in any area
of life. Those that need hope. You see someone great looking
and you think they got it easy but you dont see the price they pay
and the sacrefices they make. just as a mile started with one step
you to must get through goals eveyday. your mins should be focused on today
and what you can do. for tomorrow hasnt come and you are not
certain of that. So you live for today and prove that you can do it.
anyways i would say im getting used to it. I have had coffe twice only in 6 days so its not like i use it to supress my apetitite and both times i drank it at night because i needed to read. anyways im really excited. i was 114 on the scale this morining and i did donate blood today. Finally! they were not like you iron level is to low like last time so yay! i really cant wait to seee great resuts.
** you know wat you gotta start somewhere
true passion doesnt compare itself against anyone
you want to be the best version of yourself
and dont stop dreaming big because it all starts
with a like then a want then a desire then a
determniation then a passion that you cant put out!
You cant let what you see in the mirror bring you down
you are reprsenting all those who have failed in any area
of life. Those that need hope. You see someone great looking
and you think they got it easy but you dont see the price they pay
and the sacrefices they make. just as a mile started with one step
you to must get through goals eveyday. your mins should be focused on today
and what you can do. for tomorrow hasnt come and you are not
certain of that. So you live for today and prove that you can do it.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Day # 5
today is going great. its 3:29 .pm. im getting used to the diet.havent cheated once. so to rephrase my diet. I dont consumer any Dairy at all so no mil or cheese. I have bee consuming organic bread about twice a day. I dont really consume too much salt or oil. i used oil for the firt time today in my couse couse and it was only a little bit but still saving those hundred calories is better. i can eat a banana or soemthing else with those calories say afte a workout when i need that simple sugar and a protien. i probably wont be eating couse couse to much. just sometimes to spice things up. but im happy. i have come far and i want to congadulate my self. i have an interesting workout today so we shall see. its more cardio based so it should be fun. see you soon ...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
End of day # 4
today was another perfect great succeful day. 4 days in a row ! cant believe it.
i didhave some hugur issues after my nap, later at night but i got over that. :) little warm up huh. lol
but really i am starting to see results. my core feels tighter and harder. i lookleaner andback is looking better. im happy. cant wait till the 29 th that will be like my big momet. reaching my goal seriouesly !
i didhave some hugur issues after my nap, later at night but i got over that. :) little warm up huh. lol
but really i am starting to see results. my core feels tighter and harder. i lookleaner andback is looking better. im happy. cant wait till the 29 th that will be like my big momet. reaching my goal seriouesly !
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Day 3(check)
today my eating was excellent again, had little thin black coffee alone.
did great 17 min workout ( 10 rounds toatal)!
im proud of myself for pushing through. im up so late its 2.00 am wednesday night studying for a psychology memory test. this unit was longg
anyways imm on a roll baby! im also still writing journal entries of meals i eat.
see u soon
did great 17 min workout ( 10 rounds toatal)!
im proud of myself for pushing through. im up so late its 2.00 am wednesday night studying for a psychology memory test. this unit was longg
anyways imm on a roll baby! im also still writing journal entries of meals i eat.
see u soon
Monday, December 6, 2010
Baby just think of spring weather when its warm in the morning before the suns out, you go riding in that new bike. : ) new gear and all decked out. water bottles on your back, wiping sweat from your eyes. Think of ocean city nights. board walks at night, the tight dresss and your cut stomach and arms. Thnk about you in a bikini proving everyone wrong. YOu will have dcpiline and dedication written all over your abss ! Strength will be at an all time high and you will low beause of the summers sun, and those tight lean fat less muscles will show. You will wake up and run on the sand. Those are the few days every that mean the most. Watch out baby you will do it. BELIEVE. you are in power.!
Day # 2 "obssesed is what the lazy called the determined"
........so today my meal plan was awsome and i feel great. Not really craving anything. At this point im very foused. everyday is a learning experience and i want to take advantage of that. I really dont want this journey to be a negative one. i want to really grow as a person and i reall feel ready and am very determned not only to beat my personal best goals but also moree! I am more confident and focused and happy when i am in a good mood, duh right ? so i want to be positive and appreciate and congradulate myself for the days achivements. If i cant be thankful now and positive now later on it aint gonna happen and i wont reach my goals unless i keep pushing through. through tiness im really learning as time goes on that if i want something i have to do everything in my power to prevent down falls .
Believeing in myself when i see no reason,
pushing when its really hard,
making every single rep count,
avoiding tempations,
laughing at my mistakes
and smiling because i know i have what it takes.
Believeing in myself when i see no reason,
pushing when its really hard,
making every single rep count,
avoiding tempations,
laughing at my mistakes
and smiling because i know i have what it takes.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
........As of right now i dont know what cofntest i want to enter, so i still need to sign up for a show. Its hard finiding shows that are here in maryland for bikini division. Anyways i really do want to sign up but since the shows are in the spring, i want to take this time to lose fat and cut! Im really excited and im so up for it. I really want to transform my body. I was going to do a 12 week transformation but that was too long for me so im going to do a 30 day transformation first. so 4 weeks and i plan on adding another 4 weeks to that after i accomplish it. Right now to be honest it seems really far from here but its inspiring and motivating to see people that were 3 times the size of me and look amazing now. Its going to be an interesting journey.
With that said here are my plans
* cut out all dairy
*cut out all processed flour
*cut out all pop/soda
* Get good sources of protien , carb, fat
*limit salt and oil intake drastically
Meal Ideas
oat meal
egg white boiled
tuna in water
whole grain bread with turkey
sweet potatoe
With that said here are my plans
* cut out all dairy
*cut out all processed flour
*cut out all pop/soda
* Get good sources of protien , carb, fat
*limit salt and oil intake drastically
Meal Ideas
oat meal
egg white boiled
tuna in water
whole grain bread with turkey
sweet potatoe
- Train abs twice a week
- Zuzana workout 4 times per week
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