look forward :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
wed, nov, 24, 2010 Meal
Breakfast- (8:30)
- one handful oats with nut meg and salt
- tangerine (small)
Snack- (12:30)
- very small portion of salmon and veggie, tomatoes mix. YUM!
Lunch- ( 4:00) (post workout - super 7 pump and stablity ball abs.)
- 1/2 Small banana
- Plain tuna in water ( 1 can)
Snack-( 5:30)
- other half of small banana
Dinner- 1 small slice organic bread with small portion of salmon dish that i had earlier.
- stability ball abs
- Super 7 Pump (30 mins)
*drining lots of water
comments- lots of hunger before dinner and onwards
even though its hard
i keep pushing
i tell yourself
oh its not true
looking for excuses
to stop the pain
but deep down inside
you know its not okey
so you keeep pushin thru
when the mirrors fogged up
and you cant seee shit
but you just pray that
its going to be all right
so whats the reason
for all these tirals ?
well i can tell you
its passion
oh so addicting
oh so painful
striving to be
the best me i can be
so you cant stop now
and theres no reason
good eough
for me too look back
tryin to remeber
that there is no
its big long ride
but i just pray pray pray
that at the end
i will smileeee
smile and wear my streth
as my badge
look what i have done
look what you can do
this is not
just believe
that all the hard work
really will pay off
if they can do it
why not you
yeah it hard
when you say no progress
the mirror
is playing back old pics
then you see inspiration
and say yes i can do it
what missing ?
deep down know that
you wont reget it all
but its so hard
to stay consitent.
but one day all this will be
something i look back at and laugh
because im gona hold my head up say
i keep pushing
i tell yourself
oh its not true
looking for excuses
to stop the pain
but deep down inside
you know its not okey
so you keeep pushin thru
when the mirrors fogged up
and you cant seee shit
but you just pray that
its going to be all right
so whats the reason
for all these tirals ?
well i can tell you
its passion
oh so addicting
oh so painful
striving to be
the best me i can be
so you cant stop now
and theres no reason
good eough
for me too look back
tryin to remeber
that there is no
its big long ride
but i just pray pray pray
that at the end
i will smileeee
smile and wear my streth
as my badge
look what i have done
look what you can do
this is not
just believe
that all the hard work
really will pay off
if they can do it
why not you
yeah it hard
when you say no progress
the mirror
is playing back old pics
then you see inspiration
and say yes i can do it
what missing ?
deep down know that
you wont reget it all
but its so hard
to stay consitent.
but one day all this will be
something i look back at and laugh
because im gona hold my head up say
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
- Egg whites ( broiled)
- tuna in water
- frozen lean chicken
- Lean Turkey
- White fish (baked)
- Beans convenient
- Oat meal W/ Salt
- sweet potatoe
- Yams
- Organic Whole grain bread
- Beans
- Lean fish
- nuts, Almonds, mixed nuts
Monday, November 22, 2010
Week 2 Workout Schedule.
so this week is only 2 and a half days and i have been busy with school work so im going to make my workouts on tuesday, thursday and friday :) it might change but i want to take reat advantage of the thanksgiving break we have. im sooo excited. I realy want to take my time off to adjust and get everything planned out and have a positive outlook. :)
week 2, day 2
yay toady was great. i had 5 meals.
breakfast- banana
snack - small apple
lunch- small tangerine
snack- rice with a little bit of bread,
dinner- papaya cuts.
Comments- i eat very well today.
i kno there is lots o fruit meanning carbs and
they say to lower that so idk but we will see
how things workout. but i am definetly tryin to add
more lean protien to my diet. i got tuna in water
:) and so now im going to buy eggs so i can have egg whites.
and i need a cokking spray. instead f oil. i think it would be much better
also i need to eat more veggies. they are great and low in calories and
fil you up. they just can get boring but one servin ga day should be good for now.
since my portion sizes have really gone down adding veggies to a meal will fill me up.
breakfast- banana
snack - small apple
lunch- small tangerine
snack- rice with a little bit of bread,
dinner- papaya cuts.
Comments- i eat very well today.
i kno there is lots o fruit meanning carbs and
they say to lower that so idk but we will see
how things workout. but i am definetly tryin to add
more lean protien to my diet. i got tuna in water
:) and so now im going to buy eggs so i can have egg whites.
and i need a cokking spray. instead f oil. i think it would be much better
also i need to eat more veggies. they are great and low in calories and
fil you up. they just can get boring but one servin ga day should be good for now.
since my portion sizes have really gone down adding veggies to a meal will fill me up.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
journey to fitness is sure hard but when you turn up the techno and dance in your little circle. Nothing matters. Positivity overcomes all things. long lasting permant changes only come from passsion my love
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
- Fall season started sunday novemeber 14, 2010
Sunday,wednesday, thursday.( Same Workout)
30 sends work, 9 secs rest
-low squats, mountain climbers- huard, jumping jacks and burpee stands.
6 rounds
same as sunday.
Same as sunday but 4 rounds.
also interval training ( sprinting in place 0 secs, rest abt. 20 secs)
this was hardd ! :) sore today because of it.
FAll journey day 6
So............................. i havent been serioues from day one and actually started on sunday but i didnt cut out school lunch till thursday. Now its ON baby . :) i just needed a little time to kick start but now i have. :) you know i have been trying to get healthy for more than two years. i love fitness i know its just my thing. Its just what makes me who i am. I have tried a lot of diet approaches and worouts. lots of intse sweating killer situations an di have ovrcome all. but its time to take it serioues now because f all the knowledge i have now. it will never be complete but lets just ssay im in a time in my life when its perfect. im tired of saying i wish every summer. this summer is goign to be the best one ever. senior year summer. watch out ! and lately i have been very smart in making choices :) I WILL DO IT!
I did a workout on sunday
did a workout on wednesday
did a workout on thursday
all 30 secs work, 9 seconds rest.
sunday was 6 rounds
wednesday was 6
thursday was 4 .. because i was still a little sore
so the workout was like 16 mins i think.
4 different workouts ( low squats, burpee stands, mountain climbers- hard way, jumping jacks)
I did a workout on sunday
did a workout on wednesday
did a workout on thursday
all 30 secs work, 9 seconds rest.
sunday was 6 rounds
wednesday was 6
thursday was 4 .. because i was still a little sore
so the workout was like 16 mins i think.
4 different workouts ( low squats, burpee stands, mountain climbers- hard way, jumping jacks)
Simple Approach to fitness.
looking great.. well basically like anything you do thats new its hard to see yourself when you are not there already. so what do you do well you have to try and see yourself there. Believe that you can ovecome food or excecise battles because looking great is possible. Its about finding what works for you. This is why it is a waste of time when you try to get fit aking shortcuts because its going to lead you right back to square one. Long term feeling great and being fit and having control comes from consistentcy. Trial and error. dedication. I always ask myself you dont have to do this workout you can binge if you want but even though it hard i do my workout because its more the pain its more about being smart. making decisions that dont seem fun at the time but you know that they are right.
Second, if you get yourself used to making smart choices here and there that will become a pattern to you and then you are going to try harder and harder and get better and bettter results but if you fall into the self pity wagon and constantly make excuses for yourslef for not doing a worout or for not eating right you are doing more damadge that you think. Think about it. If you are always making excuses you are bulding a pattern and setting an example for yourslef . the rest of your life is not going to be perfect but on the days that you can and when you are challenged if you do the right thing in that situation putting aside your feelings you will not only feel great afterwards but you will set one more great pattern. next time it wont be as hard because as a resuslts of YOUR ACTIONS you will internally begin to believe in yourslef . YOu will get used to making great choices more often. and that means better results. you know when you say i can do something and you dont let it imitate you you suddenly become a strong person. and CONFIDANT too because you look back on all the temptations you overcame and that will MOTIVATE you to do even better. It start in the mind baby!
Love your body
Second, if you get yourself used to making smart choices here and there that will become a pattern to you and then you are going to try harder and harder and get better and bettter results but if you fall into the self pity wagon and constantly make excuses for yourslef for not doing a worout or for not eating right you are doing more damadge that you think. Think about it. If you are always making excuses you are bulding a pattern and setting an example for yourslef . the rest of your life is not going to be perfect but on the days that you can and when you are challenged if you do the right thing in that situation putting aside your feelings you will not only feel great afterwards but you will set one more great pattern. next time it wont be as hard because as a resuslts of YOUR ACTIONS you will internally begin to believe in yourslef . YOu will get used to making great choices more often. and that means better results. you know when you say i can do something and you dont let it imitate you you suddenly become a strong person. and CONFIDANT too because you look back on all the temptations you overcame and that will MOTIVATE you to do even better. It start in the mind baby!
Love your body
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Real intervalls
today i atually did an intese HITT workout. doing in place sprints with knees high up and fast arms. omg killer. i noticed its so har to go at you MAXX for a while and it gets harder and harder. i will do these not everyday.
Fall Journey Update :)
ok so when i said i started this fall journey a couple days a go i didnt take my eating too seriouesly until today. i skipped school lucnch which was HUGE!. so um goona focus on what i have accoplished. and i did a zuzana workout on sundy. wednesday and today which is thursday. :) i actually look forward to them. today has been a huge motivation for me becauase after my workout i saw pics of girls that were overweight and lost weight and i always say well my body isnt going to look that amazing if iloose weight when for a fact i kno from experience that it looks great and feels good too.
i love chalean. the maker of turbo jick, turbo jam and turbo fire. turbo fire looks awsome. i might get it but for now i want to do my workouts zuzana style.
i love chalean. the maker of turbo jick, turbo jam and turbo fire. turbo fire looks awsome. i might get it but for now i want to do my workouts zuzana style.
Monday, November 15, 2010
day one
update . omg am i sore or what today ? lol :P
that zuzana workout really did it. :) im focusing on eating better even though it gets hard when theres nothing to eat at home but fruits. so i got to think of creative ways. because that cant be an excuse. i dont eat much of school lunch because me and bethel share half but still its junk so i want to cut it out completely and switch to good nutrituoues foods. remebr how last year i barely ate school lunch like 99 percent of the time. time to get back to that. after the initial change i will be fine. :) so its about making a small change daily.
that zuzana workout really did it. :) im focusing on eating better even though it gets hard when theres nothing to eat at home but fruits. so i got to think of creative ways. because that cant be an excuse. i dont eat much of school lunch because me and bethel share half but still its junk so i want to cut it out completely and switch to good nutrituoues foods. remebr how last year i barely ate school lunch like 99 percent of the time. time to get back to that. after the initial change i will be fine. :) so its about making a small change daily.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Fall journey
the summer of 2010 was spent doing more zuzana workouts that ever before and lots and lots of long cycling and i found i was addicted. hooked to the maz. now school hasstarted and the first quarter just passed a week ago and i got the higest GPA of my whole high school career. with 4 A's 2 B's and 1 which was in math. so things have been going well. i have found a new great confidece in my self wtih school and bethel and i are strong as ever and life truely is great. darryl and i broke up and it was really hard. but the lord help me move on from those dark days to a bright future. now im single and focusing on the lord and trying to lean and trust him with my life. lately i have been feeling very close to him. so i want to take this time to look back at where i have been and where i am now. god is good. i asked him to make me a better student and here i a,m. i hate even getting B's now a days and take homework and reading very seriouesly. i have been doing so well in psychology. getting 100 percetn twice so far on a quiz and on a test and 96 and 94 % on tests that went over 100 % when she gave us a cruve. so yeah lifes good. but school has been so busy i havent made the time to work out but i have notcied i can eat whateer i want and i dont really gain weight . i actually am surprised i look this good. its funny how im realizing how mcuh leaner i have gotten more recently because i just didnt notice how much and when i really take a look back i kno i have lost a lot of fat. but now everythng is stable so i want to focus on doing zuzana workouts at least twice a week and some can be moderate not too intense.
also i want to eat in smaller portions, shrink my stomach and just have a balanced diet not to extreme on ither ends. youlive and ya learn but if you can smile tru it you wont regret any of it
also i want to eat in smaller portions, shrink my stomach and just have a balanced diet not to extreme on ither ends. youlive and ya learn but if you can smile tru it you wont regret any of it
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