look forward :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Week 2 day 5
**OMG today i got on the scale and it was like 111-112.
My back looks better than ever. its so small now. it looks good.
its not perfect but im realyl happy. the weightloss looks grat and gradual.
im so happy. my portion sizes are so great. i am eating less carbs. im not having huge craving episodes anymore. IT getting really easy so ow i will improve on eatng more greens and fruits mostly and some great complex carbs once a day with a healthy side. I havent been eating to much raw veggies alone so i will do that along with the juciig.
*Spiritually- Im SO much stronger in the lord. thanks to darryl. he is amazing and a man of god with such an open heart and a man of god. im not exaggerating. we have talked on youtube for a while but on the phone this week i have learned so much about him. he has this love for the lord and it rubbed off on me. At first i was like i wanna flirt a little not jsut talk about the lord but thats the imatture side of me but now i know that its all about the lord. he made me take that last step. Now every day im obssesd and praying to lord and i pray that he keeps it this way. i want to be attached to him. I have been asking him to make me feel full and i feel it. I belive the holy spirit it working in me so much this week. I learned a lot about what kind of man to look for. me a darrylu were great but the age can be a problem and all we both want to do is grow in the lord ad we werent really looking for a realtionship we jsut found each other.I love the lord more than ever. all the confusing thoguhts that used to trap me dont matter. i kno with out a doubt he loves me and i do to and i want to make my life an offering for me. give up the world and follwo him. i mean it this time. :) wow how amazing. i want to be so great by his works a open godly humble amazing in the sight of god of a woman. i will get there. iw ant to save lives by showing how iive. forcing doesnt woek. when you receive the holy spirit he makes you desire teh lords works and cleans and reparis you. i want to trust more in the lord. theres nothing better. it used to be boring reading the bible and all now tis fun. i have the holy spirit to realyl guide meand have good desires.im alsoe carefull about what i watch and say.
I stayed home today from school because i was staying up for the whole week and i just didnt feel it. i wasnt missing out on anything big anyways. all i can sya is that this guy named darryl has so changed my life. a LOT! ill never be the same. if it wasnt for him . wow. prasie god.
Breakfast- banana
Snack- banana ( 4-5 hrs later)
Green juice
small Fruit salad
My back looks better than ever. its so small now. it looks good.
its not perfect but im realyl happy. the weightloss looks grat and gradual.
im so happy. my portion sizes are so great. i am eating less carbs. im not having huge craving episodes anymore. IT getting really easy so ow i will improve on eatng more greens and fruits mostly and some great complex carbs once a day with a healthy side. I havent been eating to much raw veggies alone so i will do that along with the juciig.
*Spiritually- Im SO much stronger in the lord. thanks to darryl. he is amazing and a man of god with such an open heart and a man of god. im not exaggerating. we have talked on youtube for a while but on the phone this week i have learned so much about him. he has this love for the lord and it rubbed off on me. At first i was like i wanna flirt a little not jsut talk about the lord but thats the imatture side of me but now i know that its all about the lord. he made me take that last step. Now every day im obssesd and praying to lord and i pray that he keeps it this way. i want to be attached to him. I have been asking him to make me feel full and i feel it. I belive the holy spirit it working in me so much this week. I learned a lot about what kind of man to look for. me a darrylu were great but the age can be a problem and all we both want to do is grow in the lord ad we werent really looking for a realtionship we jsut found each other.I love the lord more than ever. all the confusing thoguhts that used to trap me dont matter. i kno with out a doubt he loves me and i do to and i want to make my life an offering for me. give up the world and follwo him. i mean it this time. :) wow how amazing. i want to be so great by his works a open godly humble amazing in the sight of god of a woman. i will get there. iw ant to save lives by showing how iive. forcing doesnt woek. when you receive the holy spirit he makes you desire teh lords works and cleans and reparis you. i want to trust more in the lord. theres nothing better. it used to be boring reading the bible and all now tis fun. i have the holy spirit to realyl guide meand have good desires.im alsoe carefull about what i watch and say.
I stayed home today from school because i was staying up for the whole week and i just didnt feel it. i wasnt missing out on anything big anyways. all i can sya is that this guy named darryl has so changed my life. a LOT! ill never be the same. if it wasnt for him . wow. prasie god.
Breakfast- banana
Snack- banana ( 4-5 hrs later)
Green juice
small Fruit salad
Monday, January 25, 2010
Week 2. Day 1
1 orange
toasted pita bread with 2 eggs
omlet style. oil patted well with Bounty ♥
Snack- water
lunch- Tilapia
1 orange
toasted pita bread with 2 eggs
omlet style. oil patted well with Bounty ♥
Snack- water
lunch- Tilapia
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Day 7
Breakfast- mango
water bottled
lunch- skipped
Snack-Post workout)
pita bread with spicy green :)
3 egg whites.
bottled water
1 cup kolo
3 bottled water
tiny injara with tiny tiny beef
weightlifiting. pretty heavy
cardio on eliptical hardcore for 20 mins like 150 cals.
great day today. food and workout
water bottled
lunch- skipped
Snack-Post workout)
pita bread with spicy green :)
3 egg whites.
bottled water
1 cup kolo
3 bottled water
tiny injara with tiny tiny beef
weightlifiting. pretty heavy
cardio on eliptical hardcore for 20 mins like 150 cals.
great day today. food and workout
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Fintess model grocery update ♥
Today on day 6 i got :
* 2 dozen of eggs
* whole grain 100 calories pita breads ( 8 pack)
* tunas in water
* tilapias 17 bux. omg :( lol
I need :
* lean no fat low sodium turkey
* differt greens
* 2 dozen of eggs
* whole grain 100 calories pita breads ( 8 pack)
* tunas in water
* tilapias 17 bux. omg :( lol
I need :
* lean no fat low sodium turkey
* differt greens
Day 6 :P
*air climber
*Green juice
*2 bottles water
*1 sweet orange
*1 can tuna w/ balck pepper/lime
Snack- water
*Workout*2 .5 miles run
mederate hanging abs
Snack- water
1 pita bread w/
tuna /onions
whole can sweet peas
2 bottled waters
small cup of kolo
Note: omn to day 7 ! great ip i learned is not to act like the victim and hta i am so deprived of htings i cant eat. i no i am eating what my body needs and may not want for now but it takes time. i just dont want to grag things on anymore. the attitude is such a big factor . when i woke up from my nap i was hungry but i told myself im doing whats godd for me and that im not starving and im in good shape its just addictve desires that come up and witht hte right attitude anything is possible. I worked out so much today.
i did my abs at the gym wiht the hanging raises..2.5 mile run and
Weightlifintg. Airclimber on empty stomach.
I ate really healthy today. I also had so really realized that
it so easy to load up on calories in seonds but so painful..time consuming and just too much work to burn it off.sometimes it isnt possible in a day unless you run for 5 hours straight which no one will do.
*air climber
*Green juice
*2 bottles water
*1 sweet orange
*1 can tuna w/ balck pepper/lime
Snack- water
*Workout*2 .5 miles run
mederate hanging abs
Snack- water
1 pita bread w/
tuna /onions
whole can sweet peas
2 bottled waters
small cup of kolo
Note: omn to day 7 ! great ip i learned is not to act like the victim and hta i am so deprived of htings i cant eat. i no i am eating what my body needs and may not want for now but it takes time. i just dont want to grag things on anymore. the attitude is such a big factor . when i woke up from my nap i was hungry but i told myself im doing whats godd for me and that im not starving and im in good shape its just addictve desires that come up and witht hte right attitude anything is possible. I worked out so much today.
i did my abs at the gym wiht the hanging raises..2.5 mile run and
Weightlifintg. Airclimber on empty stomach.
I ate really healthy today. I also had so really realized that
it so easy to load up on calories in seonds but so painful..time consuming and just too much work to burn it off.sometimes it isnt possible in a day unless you run for 5 hours straight which no one will do.
Sample meals.
Sample Meals
Day 1
Wake up -
Green juice
all natural peanut butter with oat meal
3 egg whites
bottle of water
Lunch- whole grain pita with tuna
bottle of water
snack- fruit
Snack- 2 egg whites
Dinner- Green juice
fish with veggies
big salad
Day 2
Wake up-
bottle of water
2 egg whites
lunch- salad
snack- cause cause
balanced meal
snack- green juice, water
Dinner- salad, fish
Day 3
3 egg whites
oat meal with fruit
lunch- fruit
Snack- small fit fit
snack- water, green juice
Dinner- Big giant salad.
Great items
all natural pb with no sugar
all kinds of greens
balsamic vinigarete
Day 1
Wake up -
Green juice
all natural peanut butter with oat meal
3 egg whites
bottle of water
Lunch- whole grain pita with tuna
bottle of water
snack- fruit
Snack- 2 egg whites
Dinner- Green juice
fish with veggies
big salad
Day 2
Wake up-
bottle of water
2 egg whites
lunch- salad
snack- cause cause
balanced meal
snack- green juice, water
Dinner- salad, fish
Day 3
3 egg whites
oat meal with fruit
lunch- fruit
Snack- small fit fit
snack- water, green juice
Dinner- Big giant salad.
Great items
all natural pb with no sugar
all kinds of greens
balsamic vinigarete
Update on fitness models diet.
i lost rack but end of day 4 i ate bad and same with day 5. i went crazy on the nuts on day 5 and oil soked doro wet. the past 2 days i have not been eatng good at all. i started eating way more injara and most sad of all i got into my over eating cycles againa nd jsut stuffing my face no caring about anything. I have worked out so much this week and yesterday i did my abs and im sore today yay lol but im letting it go and im really realizing that i dont have a weight problem i have a bad relationship with food and over eating and stuffing my face. I do try to lok athe the positive liek how hard i workout and better food choices im making even thoguh im not perfect. im getting more creative and its a hard long process but if i can be strict for 2 weeks and see some great results which i know i will then i think i can keep up with it. it just takes some gettnig used to because i have had a bad relationshipw ith food for a while now and i have come a long wya but its jsut this thing comes over me and i cant conrtol the situation. But i know for a fact that i will be happy with my weight and achive the desired look i want. I know it and i dont want to drag on with my weight anymore. I knwo i can never jsut deal with being fat i will never and never will allow my self to jsut accept it but i have jsut not taken things serioues and its time todo someting about it i knwo i have tried here and there and im so proud of that but its time and im really ready because i can say oh i have time but im not waiting till summer i want it now even thoguh summer will give me great time and stuff but i still want to do it for right now. im doing it the healthy way and from years of reasearch and trial and error i can say i have found my ideal diet that i will stick to for a while before trying any othe thing like raw which can be a great expiriment but im not at that stage yet i need to get healthy a nd toned and happy first. IM proud though and im letting things go and treating every day as a new opporunity. there will be times where i will forget that but im determind. sometimes i jsut feel bad becuase im jsut falling off the wagon all the time bt i think that i understand why that is. :D i i have this rebelioues wild attitude with food and think theres a tomorrow for change when relaly if i dont start now its gonna keep goinf gor years. i see people that have 50 pounds to lose and im justtrying to lose ten and im complaing and i cant even do it which shows my lack of motivation and dedication.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Workout plan/ food ideas for fitness model diet
- Day 3- lots of cardio ab rocket
- Days 4 cardio with weights
- Day 5- gaiam ball with intense abs
- Day 6- super 7 pump
- Day 7 abs cardio
Beans tuna in water injarito brown rice lots of water fruit salads green salads green drink egg whites tureky thin non fat slices ( low sodium)
Day 2 ♥
Day 2 of fitness model diet!"D
I am so proud. i was temted for a while but i stood firm.
Breakfast- Tiny apple
Snacka- 1/2 black injara with tuna in water
black pepper 7 salt
bottle of water
lunch- handful kolo, banana
2 bottles of water
Dinner- green drink, small brown rice with some maple syrup tamoatoes orange sauce
& a dash of parasane cheese
2 bottles of water
I am so proud. i was temted for a while but i stood firm.
Breakfast- Tiny apple
Snacka- 1/2 black injara with tuna in water
black pepper 7 salt
bottle of water
lunch- handful kolo, banana
2 bottles of water
Dinner- green drink, small brown rice with some maple syrup tamoatoes orange sauce
& a dash of parasane cheese
2 bottles of water
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
motivation :)

We each have our own dreams goals and belifs. different things resoante in differnt people. there is no right or wrong its this collieding of ideas and feelings. This dream we live in that is so short we forget its impact sometimes. everything we need we cam here with and its all inside of us. Learn expand and learn to smile through the pain because pssh at the end of all this would you liek to say everything was easy and you never learned a thing or would you liek to look up with pride and say YES i did it through all the pain and every situation i made it and i dont regret and thing. life makes you so much stronger that you think you can ever become. it makes you change shapes with out wanting to. we think we are in conrtol but we are not we cant even control one bt of the future because thats not out job. out job is to chatch what life thorws at us and to over come thigns that seem so hard and to become stronger each time and its not about suffering but about a joyess living. its all in our heads. what we think and dwell on will change us for ever. A sick man about to die can imagine butterflie and the joy of life becuase he has the ability to see over his situation but there might be a man who sits there as life passes him by complaining about everything and dwelling on negative thoughst and things he does not have. Dream and if yu do make sure its big. I promise you that life isnt about torture. Just be ware of your brain waves because they make you who you are. has there been a time that things turned bad when you were positive or tried your best ? being positive is not covering the bad things there are its looking at things with a pure heart jsut liek a child. a child can feel pain but only thinks good thoughts and imgines its self free one day when she or she can fly. Live it up ♥seek and find.
Day 1♥
2 egg whites
1 red apple
fitit with 1/2 black injara
1 tomatoes and i/3 of purpel onion
lunch- 2 water bottles
1/2 of bottled green juice
1 glass of green juice
1/2 cup of Kolo with about 10 peanuts.
4 bottled waters
2 egg whites
1 red apple
fitit with 1/2 black injara
1 tomatoes and i/3 of purpel onion
lunch- 2 water bottles
1/2 of bottled green juice
1 glass of green juice
1/2 cup of Kolo with about 10 peanuts.
4 bottled waters
Monday, January 18, 2010
Day before...
1 ripe Banana
1 medium Apple
1 Bottle of water
bottled water
Snack- about 10 large peanuts added to kolo with origniral peanuts.
bottled water
bottled water
lunch- Fried rice with tniy bites of chicken.
Dinner- Green juice.
2 bottled waters
Notes- Day before fintess model diet.:] excited.
Take it easy. create good portion tasty meals. get good sleep.
make lunch for the next day.
1 ripe Banana
1 medium Apple
1 Bottle of water
bottled water
Snack- about 10 large peanuts added to kolo with origniral peanuts.
bottled water
bottled water
lunch- Fried rice with tniy bites of chicken.
Dinner- Green juice.
2 bottled waters
Notes- Day before fintess model diet.:] excited.
Take it easy. create good portion tasty meals. get good sleep.
make lunch for the next day.
Fitness model Diet :]
Goal- Cut down body fat.Smaller waistline.
Better Defined Abs. better diet. Better sleep. :)
The Diet-
Green smoothies/Jucie daily
Moderate fruits
lots of water
egg whites
cooked lean protien
almost Zero salt
4 times a week air climber
ab rocket every other day
pushups upon waking 20.
50 at night.
Meal Plans-
Better Defined Abs. better diet. Better sleep. :)
The Diet-
Green smoothies/Jucie daily
Moderate fruits
lots of water
egg whites
cooked lean protien
almost Zero salt
- nuts
- oil
- breads
- jams/spreads
- wet
4 times a week air climber
ab rocket every other day
pushups upon waking 20.
50 at night.
Meal Plans-
- Edd whites :]
- salsa with 1/2 black injara
- beans
- fruit salad
- green smoothies.
- Veggies salad
- greek salad
- lots of water
- non fat low sodium turkey breast
Food Addiction.
I have come soo far from binging on all the junk food there is twinkies soda pancakes desserts and like tons of pb & J and doing it often also. Now i dont really bingne as much or with as much food. I have done 100 % raw for a few days and i have cut out sugar mostly for sometime also.
I dont see myself drinking soda or wanting it at all anymore because i can see it stocked in the fridge and i dont have to drink it and i dont want to becuase i know it will make me crave it more and i just think of how much empy addicting calories that are in it so Sodas out of the Box.
It great because its a huge problem for some and im glad im over that stage. Im more carfeull about everyhting i put into my mouth. I try to eat little and not deprive myself of everything because that will just drive me crazy. I know trying things and failing and then trying makes me stronger and gives me a better idea of what kind of diet i want to adapt. im still cluless a to weather ill be raw for ever. My dream is to cut out all sugars and eat at least 70 % raw fruits and veggies. I still want to drink the green smoothies a lot. Im learning so much right now. I do get down tho like yesterday becuase im not as close to god as i used to im not taking my diet serouesly as i want to. I will ackowledge the things i am doing better though. i am more nicer and control my anger more. i look at the positive side more now. i make better food choices by drinking more greens and eating really raw in the morning and at lucnh from monday to driday. i dont eat tons of pb & j anymore and i have cut out all nuttella. i dont even eat nuts anymore.
Its a beautiful warm sunny day on january and i want to say
"here i am this is where my life is and ill accept my place and not obsses over it and try my hardest to change the things i dont like"
Life is precioues and i forget all the time that i could be gone in a second. i need to live my life by days. i know im used to living for so long but its so true i need to just treat my life as today. I want to make the best of it and then if im fortunate do it again for years and years that way i will better live my life be happier and just dance ! i dont want to ge these short burts of energy and happiness i wnat to feel like that all the time :]
Im not perfect nad i am way better than i used to be in the summer for example i will focus on the good and just smile. i dont want circumstances to rule my life. eating better is something i have longed for 4 so long and i want to be an example and prove that yes you can be helathy and look good. god wants me to take care of everything in my life like this body he gave me. i try to say oh eating bad is not that big of a sin but anytthing ungoldy i want to stay way from. and he will guide me if i seek him ♥
I dont see myself drinking soda or wanting it at all anymore because i can see it stocked in the fridge and i dont have to drink it and i dont want to becuase i know it will make me crave it more and i just think of how much empy addicting calories that are in it so Sodas out of the Box.
It great because its a huge problem for some and im glad im over that stage. Im more carfeull about everyhting i put into my mouth. I try to eat little and not deprive myself of everything because that will just drive me crazy. I know trying things and failing and then trying makes me stronger and gives me a better idea of what kind of diet i want to adapt. im still cluless a to weather ill be raw for ever. My dream is to cut out all sugars and eat at least 70 % raw fruits and veggies. I still want to drink the green smoothies a lot. Im learning so much right now. I do get down tho like yesterday becuase im not as close to god as i used to im not taking my diet serouesly as i want to. I will ackowledge the things i am doing better though. i am more nicer and control my anger more. i look at the positive side more now. i make better food choices by drinking more greens and eating really raw in the morning and at lucnh from monday to driday. i dont eat tons of pb & j anymore and i have cut out all nuttella. i dont even eat nuts anymore.
Its a beautiful warm sunny day on january and i want to say
"here i am this is where my life is and ill accept my place and not obsses over it and try my hardest to change the things i dont like"
Life is precioues and i forget all the time that i could be gone in a second. i need to live my life by days. i know im used to living for so long but its so true i need to just treat my life as today. I want to make the best of it and then if im fortunate do it again for years and years that way i will better live my life be happier and just dance ! i dont want to ge these short burts of energy and happiness i wnat to feel like that all the time :]
Im not perfect nad i am way better than i used to be in the summer for example i will focus on the good and just smile. i dont want circumstances to rule my life. eating better is something i have longed for 4 so long and i want to be an example and prove that yes you can be helathy and look good. god wants me to take care of everything in my life like this body he gave me. i try to say oh eating bad is not that big of a sin but anytthing ungoldy i want to stay way from. and he will guide me if i seek him ♥
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