We each have our own dreams goals and belifs. different things resoante in differnt people. there is no right or wrong its this collieding of ideas and feelings. This dream we live in that is so short we forget its impact sometimes. everything we need we cam here with and its all inside of us. Learn expand and learn to smile through the pain because pssh at the end of all this would you liek to say everything was easy and you never learned a thing or would you liek to look up with pride and say YES i did it through all the pain and every situation i made it and i dont regret and thing. life makes you so much stronger that you think you can ever become. it makes you change shapes with out wanting to. we think we are in conrtol but we are not we cant even control one bt of the future because thats not out job. out job is to chatch what life thorws at us and to over come thigns that seem so hard and to become stronger each time and its not about suffering but about a joyess living. its all in our heads. what we think and dwell on will change us for ever. A sick man about to die can imagine butterflie and the joy of life becuase he has the ability to see over his situation but there might be a man who sits there as life passes him by complaining about everything and dwelling on negative thoughst and things he does not have. Dream and if yu do make sure its big. I promise you that life isnt about torture. Just be ware of your brain waves because they make you who you are. has there been a time that things turned bad when you were positive or tried your best ? being positive is not covering the bad things there are its looking at things with a pure heart jsut liek a child. a child can feel pain but only thinks good thoughts and imgines its self free one day when she or she can fly. Live it up ♥seek and find.
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