look forward :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009
MY great Big History
this process of going raw is hard. im not sure if im making it a big deal or if it actualyl is. but if you think about about umm i have been raised on cooked food. Sugars especialyl in the last year i have ha da new desire for sugars and over the summer i started binging. This summer marked marked my iunhealthyest state ever. Im not proud of that but i have gained a lot of knowledge and even very recently like less thatn a month ago i feel like i ghave been set free. I came to a big realization and i felt as if my eyes were literally opned. I tried going raw for the first time not even completly raw but i certainly had tons of green mothies, and smothies and lots of veggies and fruits. I discorvered many interesting recepies. I found that nuts are really no good for me. they weigh me down so much and i just dont feel like my self after. Nuts started to kinda taste bad to me. Another intresting thing that happned was that after the 4 days of high raw i got sick when i took my first bite of meat. my spinal cord literally attacked me. the meat didnt taste good what so ever. Im not sure if it because it was actualyl bad or weather my taste for it had changed. while i wa eating raw there was no negative things like guilt or battle over what i ate. I felt lighter and better knowing that i was doing something amazing for my body.you know when i look at raw foodist who were once addicted to cooked foods or mcdonalds ahppy with who they are,lost weight and look amazing. Aside from physical factor they accomplished something that is liek a mountain to me right now. One of my biggest goals it to get to my healthyest possible state. it is to over come binging and to stop putting unhealthy junk that has little to no nutritional value. I cant say im confident with what i want to do as of now but i know that i cant keep eating this way and expect to get better.I dont have any major sicknesses but i am over weight. I dont have the best self esteem. I want to feel vibrant for my school.Vibrant and healthy and light for my god. Its not about looking cool. Its not about trying to be different but i would like to over come this food thing. not syaing it poison but its a process and for once i want to set a goal and accpomplish it. it will strengthen me mentally and also its not like im perfect. Im very unhealthy. Ya i dont drink soda or i dont relaly eat mcdonalds. But i eat way too much sugar. I have way too much carbs and my image can testify for that. I have no clue why i started t eat so bad again. It was a mes up it was a continuing junk fest. Now i really understand that i need to be right in the mind before i try and control my physical body. What i know now it that i need to go raw for 7 days then 14 after that to detox my body and to reverse the damadge done and i cant keep eating junk after 7 days. I dont want to put a time limint on my health. School is a big factor. being hte procrasinator that i am i make school so much longer and more complicated and i dont do as well as i know i can and i just get disconencted from all the positives and get into this bubble. This is the story of my life espicially food wise and i have quite a bit of history of junk so its time to face the real pains and detox and prosper. Im ready to feel some pain for once and actually enjoy it. I dont wnat to look on to this process as so Difficult and undoable. I know it is and i Know that i can do it and i have what it takes its just a matter of allwoing some difficulty to cross the river. I bet it wont be as bad or as difficult. I belive god brought htis cahallenge to my life so that i can become better and better and he keep renewing me which i awsome. !
Thursday, October 29, 2009
BOuncing back with Raw foods.
Today is thursday 9.05 p.M . Yimla is over. I dont have too much h.w! So boosted. I stayed after school for Chemistry and i got a lot done. I am so proud. Tomorrow i will finish my single reactions retake and i will retake the single displacement.I need to turn the packet in ! lol
so as far as the raw foods you just read the rebellion under this blog post and that explains everything. No need to foucus on negatives or mes-ups. Starting again i dont care if takes 100 times i will become a really good raw foodist. I may not be completely 100 % raw but pretty raw and just not eating JUNK! I want to prove to myself and the world that it can be done. If others can do it why not me and plus i got my BUddy on my side and that the man upstairs.
So For the next 7 days i wont eat:
sugar other than natural source.
lots of peanuts at once
milk. eggs.cheese.
Chicken, beef,tuna etc..
YOu will have -
Raw/steamed- veggies
Juiced - fruits and veggies.
Water. :) YUM
so as far as the raw foods you just read the rebellion under this blog post and that explains everything. No need to foucus on negatives or mes-ups. Starting again i dont care if takes 100 times i will become a really good raw foodist. I may not be completely 100 % raw but pretty raw and just not eating JUNK! I want to prove to myself and the world that it can be done. If others can do it why not me and plus i got my BUddy on my side and that the man upstairs.
So For the next 7 days i wont eat:
sugar other than natural source.
lots of peanuts at once
milk. eggs.cheese.
Chicken, beef,tuna etc..
YOu will have -
Raw/steamed- veggies
Juiced - fruits and veggies.
Water. :) YUM
Rebellion- i have rebelled ebcause i went 4 days with only raw foods and i was so tempted the last day and i was stressing out with school it was the last week or days before it and i said this. "this aint gonna go much longer, its going to stop someday, im stressed so much. i will start another day"
This was not a good way to attack my problem. the interseting thing was after i ate what i wanted which was injara and i had it with some meat oh lord my spinal cord attacked me literally attacked me and i became ill of those couple of bites. It didnt even feel good doing it . then the rebellion started withi can eat what ever i want this is the last week to be stressed so i can eat what ever i want and i did. I dont feel as connected anymore. I feel like a failure and i sthink about going raw or fasting but i have let myself go and its not right. I refuse to continue thisw ay. I will bounce back. Starting right now.
This was not a good way to attack my problem. the interseting thing was after i ate what i wanted which was injara and i had it with some meat oh lord my spinal cord attacked me literally attacked me and i became ill of those couple of bites. It didnt even feel good doing it . then the rebellion started withi can eat what ever i want this is the last week to be stressed so i can eat what ever i want and i did. I dont feel as connected anymore. I feel like a failure and i sthink about going raw or fasting but i have let myself go and its not right. I refuse to continue thisw ay. I will bounce back. Starting right now.
Monday, October 26, 2009
day 4
TOday is an interesting day.
my first thought of i need to stop this happned to today. i told myself no way. but Guess wat ?
IT DID! i stoped the raw foods. I am proud thought. i got 3 days and also i almost finished today.\
i just could not go with it. i knew i wasnt going to last like that forever. the wagon had to make a turn one of these days. I became very irritant and school is really depending on how well i do and how much work i put into my classes. this raw thing is great but i am tired and i am craving things i am stressed so my body just told me to stop. and incorporate little bit of cooked foods.
NOw the bad thing was, I ate so much nuts then ate meat got sick from it then i went to siga wet and that was better but tasted a little bit funny. i never knew only 4 days could make such a difference. in these 4 days i dindt feel a whole lot different. I am definetly trying this challenge again. for now i will keep on jucing and eating fruits and veggies with some cooked food. i knew i couldnt get rid of cooked for all at once. i am just not ready for another trip of failure. i will try to be high raw. Am i dissapointed ? NO because i think it was time to stop and ease into it.
BIG LESSON LEARNED was that i should never eat nuts in excess. hell to the NO
my first thought of i need to stop this happned to today. i told myself no way. but Guess wat ?
IT DID! i stoped the raw foods. I am proud thought. i got 3 days and also i almost finished today.\
i just could not go with it. i knew i wasnt going to last like that forever. the wagon had to make a turn one of these days. I became very irritant and school is really depending on how well i do and how much work i put into my classes. this raw thing is great but i am tired and i am craving things i am stressed so my body just told me to stop. and incorporate little bit of cooked foods.
NOw the bad thing was, I ate so much nuts then ate meat got sick from it then i went to siga wet and that was better but tasted a little bit funny. i never knew only 4 days could make such a difference. in these 4 days i dindt feel a whole lot different. I am definetly trying this challenge again. for now i will keep on jucing and eating fruits and veggies with some cooked food. i knew i couldnt get rid of cooked for all at once. i am just not ready for another trip of failure. i will try to be high raw. Am i dissapointed ? NO because i think it was time to stop and ease into it.
BIG LESSON LEARNED was that i should never eat nuts in excess. hell to the NO
Sunday, October 25, 2009
TOday was pretty good. temptation was there the whole day because i cooked for hte family and i was watching the food network. i did not have any nuts :). I had no sugar.
Breakfast-1 banana with 20 green Smoothie made of cantaloup spinach kale and grapes.
Snack- l bag of seaweed.
Lunch- veggie salad with 20 water bottles
Snack-2 bananas and a peach
Dinner-1 banana with nuts.
Workout- Even more sore.
Strength-Lots of motivation, no fats at all. plenty of greens. not eating dairy.
Goal -stay away from nuts, and any sugar except from natural source ( fruits) !
Breakfast-1 banana with 20 green Smoothie made of cantaloup spinach kale and grapes.
Snack- l bag of seaweed.
Lunch- veggie salad with 20 water bottles
Snack-2 bananas and a peach
Dinner-1 banana with nuts.
Workout- Even more sore.
Strength-Lots of motivation, no fats at all. plenty of greens. not eating dairy.
Goal -stay away from nuts, and any sugar except from natural source ( fruits) !
“If you can organize your kitchen, you can organize your life."Louis Parrish quotes
I wanted to start today of with this amazing quote. its so true. changing what you eat really affect every part of the human body& soul. I have never been the type to stive for somthing low even though i am there at times but my dream is to be at my higest peak. with every part of my life and the challenges that seems like huge mountains will become a piece of cake then. I am a concoror and i will be a Super betty, just watch. its not about staying 100 % faithful to your goal, faling is part of the process. "our stive should not to fail but to fail at the right times.
"A Journey of a thousand dreams is accomplished by a step of dedication " Betty Samson
"A Journey of a thousad miles started will one tiny step" Confusioues
This is the most amazing quote ever because it applys to everything in your life. we are here in this play ground to accomplish our dreams and to see our ways and our works birth something big and what ever we may do or wnat it all start with 1 single step. when ever you are in trouble of feeling unmotivated remeber that you can only take 1 step at a time. dont let your weak mind trouble you. Live in the unknown. "If you dream it you can have it" (Betty Samson)
I wanted to start today of with this amazing quote. its so true. changing what you eat really affect every part of the human body& soul. I have never been the type to stive for somthing low even though i am there at times but my dream is to be at my higest peak. with every part of my life and the challenges that seems like huge mountains will become a piece of cake then. I am a concoror and i will be a Super betty, just watch. its not about staying 100 % faithful to your goal, faling is part of the process. "our stive should not to fail but to fail at the right times.
"A Journey of a thousand dreams is accomplished by a step of dedication " Betty Samson
"A Journey of a thousad miles started will one tiny step" Confusioues
This is the most amazing quote ever because it applys to everything in your life. we are here in this play ground to accomplish our dreams and to see our ways and our works birth something big and what ever we may do or wnat it all start with 1 single step. when ever you are in trouble of feeling unmotivated remeber that you can only take 1 step at a time. dont let your weak mind trouble you. Live in the unknown. "If you dream it you can have it" (Betty Samson)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Today was an amazing day. cravings were not completly absent or overly high but they sure were their with their strong tempting friends. I am so proud that i didnt even have injara.
I got seeweed and i ate a lot of that but not really because it so small when its moist.
i am really sore btw. i talked to anotnio ..and i told me how i felt he understood. tomorrw im telling him connected or gone. liek is a game and i have to keep remind my self that. im bout to go to bed so i wake up early and do homworks :D
Breakfast- 2/3 of green smothie (banana,kale,spinach)
lunch- 1 glass of fruit/veggie smoothie. 1 & 1/2 pck of seaweed with
veggies salad made of beats,onion, lime, tomatoe, salt stemaed veggies. !
snack- fruit salad made of 1 pear, one prune, carrots.
dinner- little bit of seeweed with coliflower
1 banana with 1 bottle of green smoothie. :P
Weakness- too much salt.
Oil or fat from seaweed .
Workout- sore soo much.
Yummy mixed Green Smoothie.
Recepie. 1/2 cantalope.
2 handfulls spinach. 10 grapes desedded. 2 cups water.
4 carrots. it was YUMMY!
I got seeweed and i ate a lot of that but not really because it so small when its moist.
i am really sore btw. i talked to anotnio ..and i told me how i felt he understood. tomorrw im telling him connected or gone. liek is a game and i have to keep remind my self that. im bout to go to bed so i wake up early and do homworks :D
Breakfast- 2/3 of green smothie (banana,kale,spinach)
lunch- 1 glass of fruit/veggie smoothie. 1 & 1/2 pck of seaweed with
veggies salad made of beats,onion, lime, tomatoe, salt stemaed veggies. !
snack- fruit salad made of 1 pear, one prune, carrots.
dinner- little bit of seeweed with coliflower
1 banana with 1 bottle of green smoothie. :P
Weakness- too much salt.
Oil or fat from seaweed .
Workout- sore soo much.
Yummy mixed Green Smoothie.
Recepie. 1/2 cantalope.
2 handfulls spinach. 10 grapes desedded. 2 cups water.
4 carrots. it was YUMMY!
Friday, October 23, 2009
DAY 1 of raw food :D
Today was an amazing day.
Breakfast- brocolli
lunch- borcollie
snack- Salad with mixed veggies..no oil or sugar. :
tasted little bit of cooked tomatoes with injara so so tiny !
Snack- water and 20 oz kale/brocolli,beat smoothie :)
WORKOUT- ran for the first time in a while today and i went so far.
i even got back out after running to norbeck and back with little break.
I am So proud.
Pros- No fat at all today. very low sugar. almost 100 % greens .
cons- none :)
Breakfast- brocolli
lunch- borcollie
snack- Salad with mixed veggies..no oil or sugar. :
tasted little bit of cooked tomatoes with injara so so tiny !
Snack- water and 20 oz kale/brocolli,beat smoothie :)
WORKOUT- ran for the first time in a while today and i went so far.
i even got back out after running to norbeck and back with little break.
I am So proud.
Pros- No fat at all today. very low sugar. almost 100 % greens .
cons- none :)
****7 DAY RAW FOOD***
7 DAY RAW FOOD life style change.
you can do it. you have come so far. you can do it. 7 days feels so long.
would i lie to you. why dont you trust me . i love you and i want the best for you
and this will get you so far. and you can do it. get creative. stay motivated. keep stress low. keep god on top :)
you can do it. you have come so far. you can do it. 7 days feels so long.
would i lie to you. why dont you trust me . i love you and i want the best for you
and this will get you so far. and you can do it. get creative. stay motivated. keep stress low. keep god on top :)
♥♥ I HAVE COME SOO FAR ( WOW. im proud of you betty) ♥
I have never been raw for more than 2 days or so so i want to really get down to it and stop procastinating because its one of my amazing goals i want to accomplish. This would just kick start my life basically. its not about being raw for life. I know that this is a great thing and probably the best thing i can do. my emotional eating and binging and constand crash dieting have caused me to ruin my body and they have discouraged me and im tired of this rollercoeaster ride. i want a healthy mind body and soul and i know the raw food will provide relife. i need to do this for me . I need to prove to myself that its okey to suffer i have come sooo far so far pushing my sle to run and diet and everything. i dont have the best will power but wow i just felt this. for the first time in my life i feel PROUD. looking back on where i used to be and how far i have come its been one hell of an expiriance. all the running pains when i didnt htink i couldnt do it i proved myself wrong. i want to keep doing that. i want to reach higer. this raw foood isnt for weightloss only it to make me change my whole life around and accomplish somehting great.i cant belive im crying now but im so happy. no one knows all my pain. as long as i live i want to keep getting better. I Will become the healthyest person i know. i will rise above all odds. i have god on my side . i will runn a marathon. i will have a toned defined body. i will be up there with my god. I WILL! no doubt. i pray he give me the courage and the wisdom he started. This is an amazing thing called life. allll the pain i go trhough is to get me to a good place and when im 90 i promise you i will smile on my kneees because i can say YES I DID IT! did what ? I DID LIFE :) This dieting thing shpwed me how weak i am and revelaed the world to me. wow thins weapon called food changed my life around. what can i say im speechless
this girl who didnt have dreams is now on top of the world.
this girl who didnt have dreams is now on top of the world.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
day 2
pretty good day. but kinda felt sick because i ate cooked tatoes, onions with hot pepper and it just isnt working out to well. it didnt feel that good eating it and after i woke up from my nap i felt dead. i am very awake but i feel weird and heavy. i wnat that light airy feeling.
i have never been 100 % raw for more tahn 2 days i would say so i want to be raw for 7 days and people are doing 120 days and im just having trouble as much as they are.im really serioues i need a 5 day raw detox. here it goes. by the way this is what i ate today.
breakfast- banana
lunch- raw brocolli head
snack- litel buit of green smoothie. 10 oz water
and lots of injara with cooked 1 tomatoe , 1/2 onion and hot pepper with oil.
blah wasnt to amazing. made me feel sick after i woke up.
i have never been 100 % raw for more tahn 2 days i would say so i want to be raw for 7 days and people are doing 120 days and im just having trouble as much as they are.im really serioues i need a 5 day raw detox. here it goes. by the way this is what i ate today.
breakfast- banana
lunch- raw brocolli head
snack- litel buit of green smoothie. 10 oz water
and lots of injara with cooked 1 tomatoe , 1/2 onion and hot pepper with oil.
blah wasnt to amazing. made me feel sick after i woke up.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
day 1
today went pretty well. i got liek 5 and a half hours of sleep last nite plus the 3 hour nap during hte day. at school i was tired as always but i was fine.
Breakfast- bananas
Lunch- apple
Snack.- 1/2 bottle of smoothie of beats,kale,apple and banana. and fit fit with very little injara
dinner- large injara with awazee.
i was a true vegan today. !
(i need to stay that way)
i drank plent of water:)
heads up- this week stay away from nuts,dairy, meats. easy:)
cut the injara intake and take lots of greens in :)
Breakfast- bananas
Lunch- apple
Snack.- 1/2 bottle of smoothie of beats,kale,apple and banana. and fit fit with very little injara
dinner- large injara with awazee.
i was a true vegan today. !
(i need to stay that way)
i drank plent of water:)
heads up- this week stay away from nuts,dairy, meats. easy:)
cut the injara intake and take lots of greens in :)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
living in the moment
i wish i could just live in the moment and stop worrying so much about the future and i need to stop stressing so much its taking over my life. i will pray and ill see what happnes :D
wow i was so pissed and mad about not talking to you i made it a huge deal and i was hurt and that the truth. all i wnated to be was with you and i canted to see you care about me. i feel like you have changed so much and now it makes me want you more. now i rarely doubt that i want you. most of tehe times i mean im just trying to get away from being self conscioues but i am working on it but i guess everyone feels like that at times. im sure you have your hard times but i feel like you are so much more confident than me and that makes me feel down. i like that you are confident and it even enspires me. you change me and i think i need you. i dont want to get hurt and i have forgiven you but its just too much. i dont want to deal with this now. somehow i need to stop having what we have and i need to start viweing you as a friend which seems impossible. the lord is my sheild and guide and i iwll foucus on him in times like this and i will gove my self fully to him so he can take control of everything. it always works out better that way. at the same time i cant help but be human. you turn me on so much and i have never wanted somone as much as you. its so deep rite now and i think im falling in love with you. i hate this confusion cuz its never clear. if i was to stop all this its as if im taking a risk of what could be. hmm wow this is hard
A journey of a thousand miles starts with a step.
the title says it all. I am learning and im not the best person with the biggest wil power but i do dream about becoming really healthy the higest level which i think it raw foods and being fit alos, strong and toned. i know i will get there its a matter of time. i have learned im not a super woman and i cant just junp into raw foods over night and never fall off the wagon. Impossible. so for this week to just detox everything . i just want to say that messing up once isnt bad but consitency is so KEY . i cant stress taht enough. so here what you should do daily to keep you on the wagon,
Drink lots of water
take vitamins and minerals/fish oil
have at least 2 green smoothies.
when ever your hungry or craving something have a good mental tactic and
just eat a furit or something. after a while an apple will start satisfying you. you wont crave things anymore and remeber that god is on your side so you are already ahead of the game.
this week i want to focus on getting the green and fruits in and drinking lots of fluids. staying away from oil injara and also nuts. update me and let me know how it goes. :)
rember to meditate and focus and remind your self of your goal. stay motivated.
Drink lots of water
take vitamins and minerals/fish oil
have at least 2 green smoothies.
when ever your hungry or craving something have a good mental tactic and
just eat a furit or something. after a while an apple will start satisfying you. you wont crave things anymore and remeber that god is on your side so you are already ahead of the game.
this week i want to focus on getting the green and fruits in and drinking lots of fluids. staying away from oil injara and also nuts. update me and let me know how it goes. :)
rember to meditate and focus and remind your self of your goal. stay motivated.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
yeah it hurts
all the things you siad
are gone now
im not trying to make a big deal
im sorry if it seems that way
i cant help that .
its just because i care
how muchdo i care
call it love ?
you say you wanna be friends
you said if we kept what we had
we would be fine
but you took that away
you forgot me
and didnt put the effort to even say hi
all the accusations i faced
saying i will change
who changed now ?
you say you need your space
balancing dad with ur love
never seemsed so hard
its as if im stress free
but i have my self like never before
i hope you can balance your life
i wish you the best
im sure you want the best
but were not clicking here
i give my self a pat on the shoulder
for all i gave up cuz it was right at the time
but damn all the pictures
all the words are gone :(
everything happnes for a reason
10 years from now i will be sitting
laughing at this
for that to happen
i need to feel the pain
pircing thru my thinest parts
when you are finnaly ready im sorry
i cant be there
all the work on balancing
will go down the drain
cuz u will be missing me
dont feel bad then
its not you
but its good for us
thank you for teaching me about my self
i need to get past my fears and burst thru
and you have helped with that
i just cant take the pain
i never knew i cared so much
about you
i guess those nights i
got confused was because i wanted to hide the love
not feel the pain
this time pain out weighed the love
we once had.
are you still sure your feeling will never change ?
im not accusing you
for im not perfect
but i say to you
if you are ever going to tell a girl
i vow to let go
of all the bitterness
and hatred
funny thing is you wont find a gal like me
and YES when your 16 and somebody tells
you they love you
your gonna belive them :(
oh well
love and pain
the pain out weighs
i want to be free
clean , i got goals to fulfill
were at cross roads here
you are different now
its as if i no longer am the
girl you tried to marry
i told you it was too good to early
to be true !
still in your hear
i hope you dont hold me there
cuz i gone
and i dont want you
to feel the pain i hvae
im not balming you
ur an awsome guy
but rite now
i cant real with
the pin in left with
i have found pain and love dont mix
rite now i need to be alone
its better for us to stop talking at all
your vocie reminds me
of the pain
or the crries that filled gallons
maybe someday we can be best friends
yeah not now i love you
even it hurtsim sensetive and it hurt
when all you said was same
if it a girl that got your head confused
tell i said hi
and that your a great guy
id otn know why i cant thisw ay
but i do
if love is born from suffering
dont want it
all the things you siad
are gone now
im not trying to make a big deal
im sorry if it seems that way
i cant help that .
its just because i care
how muchdo i care
call it love ?
you say you wanna be friends
you said if we kept what we had
we would be fine
but you took that away
you forgot me
and didnt put the effort to even say hi
all the accusations i faced
saying i will change
who changed now ?
you say you need your space
balancing dad with ur love
never seemsed so hard
its as if im stress free
but i have my self like never before
i hope you can balance your life
i wish you the best
im sure you want the best
but were not clicking here
i give my self a pat on the shoulder
for all i gave up cuz it was right at the time
but damn all the pictures
all the words are gone :(
everything happnes for a reason
10 years from now i will be sitting
laughing at this
for that to happen
i need to feel the pain
pircing thru my thinest parts
when you are finnaly ready im sorry
i cant be there
all the work on balancing
will go down the drain
cuz u will be missing me
dont feel bad then
its not you
but its good for us
thank you for teaching me about my self
i need to get past my fears and burst thru
and you have helped with that
i just cant take the pain
i never knew i cared so much
about you
i guess those nights i
got confused was because i wanted to hide the love
not feel the pain
this time pain out weighed the love
we once had.
are you still sure your feeling will never change ?
im not accusing you
for im not perfect
but i say to you
if you are ever going to tell a girl
i vow to let go
of all the bitterness
and hatred
funny thing is you wont find a gal like me
and YES when your 16 and somebody tells
you they love you
your gonna belive them :(
oh well
love and pain
the pain out weighs
i want to be free
clean , i got goals to fulfill
were at cross roads here
you are different now
its as if i no longer am the
girl you tried to marry
i told you it was too good to early
to be true !
still in your hear
i hope you dont hold me there
cuz i gone
and i dont want you
to feel the pain i hvae
im not balming you
ur an awsome guy
but rite now
i cant real with
the pin in left with
i have found pain and love dont mix
rite now i need to be alone
its better for us to stop talking at all
your vocie reminds me
of the pain
or the crries that filled gallons
maybe someday we can be best friends
yeah not now i love you
even it hurtsim sensetive and it hurt
when all you said was same
if it a girl that got your head confused
tell i said hi
and that your a great guy
id otn know why i cant thisw ay
but i do
if love is born from suffering
dont want it
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