look forward :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Day 3
one was about yilma me tedy and mom i think goign to this sandy hill to watch something. so we wnet and were trying to clim on the rocka nd i did and dad and teddy were watching somethiing but i was bust climbing down and all that and i rdidnt get to see what they were looking at but it was high up and very beautiful. i rmebered thinking about god in taht dream. the other one wa about teddy s tooth and how we said its stinks and he was going around to everyone making them smell his breath. saleena said he needs to floss or something like that. then we were aat this place and i wanted chipotle and teddy did too and he got one and i couldnt because there wasnt enouhg moeny and this guy stole moeny or something and got caught and people were shoving him up the stairs saying he will go to iraq so stelaing was so bad in taht dream. also i had a dream about swiming and we were going to someones house i think i heard mr mazurs house and on our wya there there were guys playing with dolpins and we were kinda scared of them. finnaly we reached the house and everyone was nice. then it ended. see everything is so confusnig. idk lol.
I heard that all hunger and cravings should go away by the third day and mine was not present thought out only a little bit on day one and like a very tiny bit on day 2. so nothing like my other fasts. the night of day 2 went so well. i even went to giant and i was prefectly fine. my goal has now changed to tomorrow morning which is thursday and i plan to drink juice for at least half the day. i kinda feel this slight burning sensation and i dont feel too well but im fine.
*** they say that hunger goes away by like the third day and you go into ketosis and the first 3 days re supposed to be intense if your into sugar or caffine or carbs and i didnt have major cravings i can honstly say it was liek easy as pie so im guessing my body isnt so toxic. i have been eating raw on eand off and for the past 10 days i did a one day water fast and a day of green smoothie fast and lots of green smoothies and jucies and fruits also so im guessing that helped. I have come far i tell ya. I kinda miss food tho but im perfectly fine now. :P wish me luck
Broke the fast at around 5.
Yeah i figured it was at the end of the day and i was relaly weak all day.
Well i wasnt to proud but its igght.
I learned a lot and it helped me put my prorities first.
some interesting things happned along the way tooo like
with john on youtube and my attitude changing :)
Life is good.♥
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Summer Wants..& Desires
I want to finish most of the bible..
memorize some verses.
Improve running a lot Medidtate daily
Change whole life around
Water fast for 10 days.
Juice fast for 10 days.
Read 3 interesting books.
Be happy.
Be very clean with house
Be very organized.
Love ..life...and jsut smile and laugh at my mistakes
Gett really intimate with god
Do someting i have never done.
See dreams of angels..
just be pure..healthy..betty
Day 2 :D
its going very well. not hungry at all rite now can you dig it ?
lol. its easier this time around thankfully. im sure the night time will get intense as always
but i think im prepared. there is no way i wont make it to day 3 so theres really no room for option. i havent thought about food and when it does enter my mind through watching aronolds way or something i jsut shurt it out. i havent been drinking enough water yesterday or today so i need to drink some water after this. Its very important before i drop down dead dehydrated.
Time is flying by and im excited to be almost done with day 2. im going to go to bed early and after this i need to read my book. then the history homework and then prayer and meditation. I kinda feel bad that im not spending enoguh time with god so yeah enough enettainment for now i guess. :P. My Goal is thursday morining and i plan to make it health when i break it and take it slow with jucing first. Im really getting better at this. :) yay maybe in the summer i can do like a 10 day water fast. oh man thats a strech but its good for me. i find water fast easier in a way compared to like juci fasting even though i havent tried it. i jsut think it makes me crave all this stuff. my plans with this fast is to know that i am born again. rededicate my life towards him and jsut develop a new habit of lving. a persoanl relationship with him not just trying to be good. as far as weight goes i think i lost a pound from yesterday.
Almost end of day 2:
I actually had a great time reading the history book about the ming empire.
i felt like it went by so quick and i had a clear mind reading it. I took a mini nap after that.
i drank a lot of water afterwards. Dads buying more water so yay :) i want to drink close to a gallon. So the waters good. its interesting after i woke up i got very moody. i knew i needed to meditate on god but i just needed to enter this normal state of being before reading or anything. As soon as i woke up i was craving food too. its like 40 mins later now and its completly gone. i can eat but its not important so im doing good. dad called and wanted to make rice so i will be making that. wish me luck so my food cravings dont go wild but i really think will be okey as long as i know where my head is at and its on the prize. i even thought about ending it on wedensday night and eating something liek rice which would be too heavy for me. thinking about food right now i know i dont need it. im not starving to death and i only have tomorrow to go. & also when i was irratable and kinda hunry it was really short though but i said outloud ..it makes me think about how often i stuff my face to hide from things. IM doing this to develop good habits also and i dont want it to be some typical water fast where i am thinking about food the whole time and i binge before my goal date. cravings only last a bit anyways. if i give myself the pep talk its all good but its like your mind shifts and you forget whats good for you. Its very interesting.
Noght of day 2:
It went very well. i made rice with tamatoe and chicken sauce and i was pretty fine. kinda wanted it but i wasnt going crazy or naything and i was firm on gods promise. when i thought about it me quitting and stuffing my face would hurt more and much longer than this fast and plus this fast will get me clsoer and its sorta like it will make or break my faith. seriouesly i need to do it and its happening no matter what so i guess i was sold on that. i can honestly say i had little to no cravings. if i did it was jsut missing food. i really thank the lord for sustaining me. i meditated a bit before i wnet to bed and i also read from mark. great chapter and i was very calm yesterday and thats what i want always. i had great energy before that i had also watched the church channel. very amazing thing about being thakkful..praying without ceasing and something else too. i wasnt tired at all.then i woke up arou i also watcheda series on music and how rap and reggae and r&b and rock send bad messages even if they had christian words and this guy gave up a 800 thousand dollar contract with the music industy becasue god pulled him out of it. me realize that this fast was like a piece of cake compared to other peoples fast. anywyas all is well praise the lord. oh i also saw fikerte and seifs house it look good and hes so happy and im happy for him.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Day 1 Of water fast.
the second day is always the hardest near night time and for some reason i really know i will get to 3 days. im like debating weather is should be thursday morning or wedenesday night and i want it to be thursday morning because it would make sense and would be exactly 3 days since i started so yeah its thusrday morning. i need to have more faith. if i can make it to wedenesday night then wh not wait till morning. I know the pshyc gets crazy even seconds count when im craving things. I also plan to drink carrot juice first because i want to have better eating habits and that aint gonna happen if i pig out afterwards. i will stay away from heavy foods and things like nuts. So fresh fruits and veggies are my option. Preferebly jucied. tomorrow i plan to be better connected with god. Im supposed to see ad ream about my dad accodring to him so lets see lol. I kinda think i will see a dream.. spiritual too. Hopefulyl. i havent seen some kind of spiritual movement in a while i mean a WHILE. in the morning i wasnt even sure if i wanted to fast now i have no doubt that i need to. the whole day i doubted god and then later at night i couldnt deny him i just need to know him better and feel his presence. Not eating symbolizes my deep want to get closer to him and i know he will sustain me through thursday morning. Right now i feel no hunger at all. :0 in the morning i kinda was iratable moody and the whole 9 yards. I drnak like 4 bottles of water today. i know i need to drink way more.
My need for fasting.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Day 8 and start of week 2 tomorrow. The plan :)
2Day is day 8 and it feels unreal. Its the longest i have went being serioues about my health and sticking to it. i have almost complelty cut out the sugars the past 8 days. one of which was a smotthie fast and the other was a water fast. Im doing better with my overeating habitsbut sits still there. i tend to over indulge in nuts even though they were almost not present the whole way. This moring i had a cup full of em and i had 3 bananas and a taste of injara with beef to go with it so not the best start but at least i wasnt eating nutella or something with some bread and going crazy over that. im trying to take it slow. im doing great with the refines sugars almost out so week 2 starts tomorrow and im getting a bit serioues and cutting it out completly. The fats from nuts will still be avalivle for me to eat and the fish and chicken will be there. I want to thirve in the long run so i dont want to do some hardcore diet i cant keep up with i want to heal and work my way up. Every day for the second week i want to drink the green smothies and juices. Enjoy the fruits. I want week 2 to be mostly whole foods lots of water and low fat like this week and No overeating. It wont be the easiste thing in the world but i need to do this. Keep yourself motivated and reach for healthyer options first always. you can avoid so much crap just by doig that and drink the healing green juices they do the trick.
The sugar theory really makes sense because it has no nutritional value what so ever. zero.Its addictive. I want to cut it out completly because its just a pleasure thing because i want to live to take care of this body i have and its my responsibility and i cant functon properly unless i have the perfect diet and i will get there i tell ya belive me. I want to be free from all empty calories because if it aint good what is it doing in my diet ? Food is fuel it isnt some thing to get addicted to it isnt something that should cause such withdrawl symptoms like a drug it isnt something that makes or breaks us. Sure you need food to survive and preform at yoour best but not empty caloric food with no nutrition. Sugar is just that it has nothing in it. its causes a lot of bad things and not one good thing except pleasure. We can thrive without it but no why ? we liek being addicted to it. The more you have the more you want. so having that little bit of refined sugar will start cravings for other things so cut it out completly. first of alll if you dont think its good why would you alllow it in so called good foods to ruin them ? to cause you cravings and keep the sugar addiction cycle going ? To always have the pleasure around because you cant live without it ?
no no.Beloved we cannot do this to our selves. We cant be careless anymore. we cant yo yo diet anymore we cant feel guilty anymore. We have to step up and do what is right even if it seems so impossoble or even if we dont think its the most important thing in the world.
We can be on any diet but if we have so much fat
especially the bad kinds like saturated how do we expect to feel good ?
we are making our bodies work for hours when it could be reparing so many other things to help us feel great. we are slowing it down. fats are good. buts we want to only consume healthy fats.
we dont need crappy hydrogened oil and fats to do plaque our arteries. they weight us down and knock us out and they are and escape gateway so we dont feel the pain and face ourselves. when transitioning they can really aid but in the long run too much fat is really bad. I will drink my water a lot to help with my skin and digestion and clesing.
here heres what week 2 will look like.
*Cutting* *Having*
No beef. Fruits
No milk Veggies
No refined sugars homemade Jucies/ water
over eating on anything
the best protiens are plant protiens.
protiens take a while to digest and we dont neeed cooked protiens to
thrive so why eat so much when its causeing more harm than good because if someone gonna have their meat it aint gonna be raw and it will have so oil so its jsut not the best choice. grilled fish and chiken are better than beef.
you Cant go wrong with veggies.
they have tons of minierals and vits to heal the body.
they should be consumed on a daily babes at least a little.
i doubt people oversode on veggies so have all you want and
have the juices and heal yourself so you feel vibrant and combat unhealthy habits
and cravings that can be really hard.
best osurce of sugars and carbs.
fruit sugars are great and it tastes good.
its natural untouched and full of vits.
too much can be bad as with everything
but have several servings per day and
reap the benefits.
cooking oils and protiens
makes them heavyer and hard to digest and they come along with unhealthy
best friends and we are trying to eat as much whole foods as posible.
Wrap up-
Take it easy and ingnore that sneaky voice in your head tha says why is this som imprtnat i dont want to do this. maybe another time. no its now and we aint gowing back and that a good thing. we can always adujust things nothing is permant. i love nutrition and love to see what i can do with my body . Its grea tht ai have a week to really transition so im not stressed with school and so before hand i want to cut out bad habits so evenif im stressed i can go back to good things. its been a long long long journey and im learning and i will reaserch more and more. Its not jsut the diet but my outlook on life that goes hand in hand with this amazing lifestyle im not followin gnayone.m easing into it with some challenge. Never been so happy or determind.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I had no sugars there except maybe in one of the salad dressing he accidnetly put balasic and it may have sugar but other than that i had no breads and the only thing i had cooked was like griled chicken. My fat intake was low and so was my cooked food and there was No sugar. i was there thinking it was really easy. I didnt want any of the junk i saw there all the cakes anc desserts window after window and the junk food and the countless restourants i went to i had a sald or a fruit salad at each and everyone. ! WHAT SON ? lol. So i feel great. my weight isnt as lowas i want it to be maybe i hit a platoue but probbaly not. I need to get on the green juices starting tomorrow. I do crave things here and there but none have been serioues. im actually having a hard imagining my self enjoying most cooked or junk foods. it amazing . god is good istnt he ? i asked him for help and he gave me strenght. other days i couldnt even be raw for a day without so much struggle now its almost day 8 omg can you belive me being strcit and keeping up with something for a week. wow it amazing how time flys. i have learned that i need to not restrict myself of even fruits so that i dont completly fall off. i also have learned to have balance and not over eat. things are going great. all i can say is that i have never been able to keep up with something for this long and its amazing :)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
cravings ?
out with the sugar and WHAT ?

So i know that veggies and fruits need to be a daily part of my life everyday.the jucing helps and the smoothies to more because i think they will keep me fuller but they are both great. So i will consume lots of raw grens and veggies daily. especcially the greens for the detoxing cause i dont want to fall back. But it feel great now think about it , it seems so simple. i feel liek i can actualyl make this my way of life and it goes well with the raw diet to because i will be more than 75 raw all the time so thats great. I will need to drink lots of water per day to flush out eveything which i unerestimate sometimes.:( lol. Im happier now and its not a huge battle anymore. I dont want things liek processed sugar that will make me addcited because i know i am and i want to enjoy the freedom of having a great relationship with food. my binging will go away and my over eating will also go away. No joke for the first time it feels so real and makes Sense. its not some thing other do that i follow tis my own way my personalized plan and im not allowing my self to slack but rather loving my self to make desicons that are challenging but not everboard. The excersie is so great too. i will need to work out at least 3 times a week. hopefully more. Im really trying to ditch the cooked foods because of al the saturated fat but i want to be able to eat good grilled lean ptotien. milk is easy to give up anyways with all the crap these days. as far as injara thats okey for now in moderation i guess because i think its better than bread. Life is short and im not going to feel so guilty and do bad things anymore :) ITS OVER ... yeha baby.
- All raw greens
- All raw fruits
- Juiced/smoothie of raw veg/fruits
- Grilled lean protiens..chiken egges..etc.. (less fried)
- Low oil and fat intake of bad fats
- low consumption of cooked food.
refined sugars ( white rice, white pastas,sugary cremes dips, jellys dressing, most breads, deserts,etc..)
You know both the pump and burn combined would be so amazing :) Now that would be one serioues workout. As far as diet goas i have been all raw today earlier i had tiny tiny cravings for some bread but then it was so ugly to look at and i thoguht about how it would make me feel. IM realyl happy about this. I have never ever been this sucessfull with any diet.. today is my fourthday and i have had one cooked meal this whole time. I water fasted for a day and water fasted on green smoothies. I shouldnt have ate the beef stew with injara yesterday after my water fast because it kept coming back up even hours after i ate it so that a sign that i ither ate to much which i kinda did or it my body doesnt like it flat out or mabe its because it was heavy since i did fast. IM realyl happy tho because this time around its different. carvings are almost not even there and i dont have any desire for processed sugars as much as i used to. im sure the green smoothies helped. But i kinda ge a funny feeling in my stomach and it dont feel to well when i drink the flat kale with apple. Im not sure if its the mixture or its the kale or its concentration. More to be Investigaterd. lol i still have like 10 pounds to loose. :)
i think i will maintian my desired look and i can finnaly see that i may reach my ultimate goal.
the last time i fasted was when i realyl droped the weight iwth 3 days of raw food before it and i loooked so good. my bikni looked hot on me but i had a tiny tiny tiny bit of weight to lose like 2 pounds and i was 109 i belive. But im so happy that i found and answer to this whole diet thing and its the sugars i tell ya nad im doing so great so well. I feel amazing and i have sooo much energy i worked out and i wanted to work out like an hour later. i put on my bros old grey pants the cool ones and i am still FAT! lol but its sorta funny. they are too small anyways so im not gonna measure myself with thembut still its a fact i need to drop like 10 pounds and addd some lean muscle mass.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday- All green smoothies and lots of water
Tuesday- Water fasing. then cooked meal of bef stew after fast. ( didnt feel too good) it kep coming back up . i think its cause i ate too much.
Wednesday- all Raw ! green smoothies, fruits , water :) BURN n' FIRM :)
packeing fo new york baby!
thursday- Mostly raw with grilled chicken once. Great 6.5 k run
Friday- Mostly raw with grilled chicken once. lots of fruit.
Saturday- had nuts. Had bananas
Sunday- ran to norbeck and back in the cold weather.
only was weraing a thin cami and green shirt. i ran non stop
there and back in like 30 mins. mind the incline. had green juice.
had lots of water. Had fruits. had lots of nut sin the morining.
New Eating habits.
- lots of fat
- avoid lots of saturated fat.
- lots of cooked food
- lots of protien.
- lots of processed carbs
- lots of oil
- avoid milk/dairy at all cost.
- Avoid deserts all all cost
- avoid any drinks with sugar/sweetners
- jellys/butter.nutella.
- Avoid processed sugars at all cost except in bread with no milk or more than a gram or 2 of sugar with low carbs.
Do Eat- ( moderation)
- raw Fruits every day couple servings
- raw Vegies everyday
- Good nuts in moderation
- Cooked protiens with low fat
- lots of water.
- raw jucied veggies and fruits
- raw Smoothies.
wrap up - Lots of fresh fruits and veggies each day which will take up most of the day especially breakfast and dinner. Snack and lunch are open. No more than one cooked food per day.
no Processed sugars excpet in special bread with no milk high fats or tons of carbs. Keep this up for 2 weeks at least and tell me what you think and update evryday.
I no longer am so confused about what kind of diet i should approach.
the raw diet never really fully resinated in me but a lot of things did make sense like
the consumption of veggies each day adn fruits. It tought me a lot about the importnace of water and natural sugar. The cooking does sestryoy many nutients but things like tomatoe are better absorbed when cooked. Im not removing all cooked foods from my diet as that would drive me crazy and im nto ready for that and dont see why its so mimportant because i have a new plan that i know will work for sure if i follow it. Basically i want to cut all unatural processed sugars from my diet such as table sugar,cane sugar, sweetners, dextrose, high furctose corn syrup cold turkey. Sugar is one of the most addicting substances there is. No doubt about that. Unatural sugar has no nutirional value what so ever. It does give you energy and it is highly addictive which explains why amaerica is fat. there is sugar in everything. yougerts are hlaf filled with sugar which serves nothing more than taste. Nothing. So i want to start thinking about what the foods i eat do to my body and how they make me feel and what harm they cause. I dont want to addicted to sugar. I dont want to have an emotional relationship with food which i KNOW i do.
I ove sugary things. i dont drink soda but i do eat a high fat high sugar diet. So all artifical sugars that are not man made are should be cut out! i dont want to over whelme my body with that so i will consume healthy breads without the horrible sugars and with relular sugars that are liek 1 gram. This is a process i will fine tune my diet even more but for now this is something i need to do. Things make more sense as i epirament with them whithin my own body and also reaserch is very important. with the raw foods i tsort of made sense but i wasnt ready to give up all cooked foods cold turkey. Like today im water fasting yesterday i had only green smoothie and before that day i had only raw foods. Milk has amazed me so much that i am willing ot give it up for a WHILE! but now that i think about it there is milk in so many things liek bread and pastas.
So this whole sugar thing was what i needed to end first. When you cut man made sugars out of your diet you cut out a lot of cooked processed high fat foods. so just by cutting out artifcial sugars whcih are in everything basically you cutout tons of fat and cooked foods. Now cooked foods are not horibble but they can be when they have dangeroues amounts of fat and hydroginated oils and sugar in them. So a cooked chicken is good like grilled chikcen not fried.
So this sugar addiction i have will have to entually go away. water fasting and gren smoothie will help me detox and make that process fater so thats good. Fats play a major role also so i need to relaly cut down on my fats and more on sugars like cold turkey on sugars becuase if i dont do it at once its just going a process of extemly high and lows. turst me but if this whole cold turkey really inst helping me then i will cut out tons of sugar but still have a little. Another amazing thing i leanred wat that man from early historic times was an OMinivore meaning we ate plants and animals. god allows me to cook my food welll atleast my meats and eat it so im not becoming no vagan or vegitarian anytime soon. So even by that whole thing im freed form thinking man should eat only plants as stated by some raw food advocates. a very cool thought accured to me when people said " what animal coooks it food" well before i thought omg thats so ture they are all raw . then today after weeks of being blind i asked . " what animal has the abilitys and mental capacity and resources to cook its food ? " the answer was none. So lets not get enveloped into some new diet because you are facinated by what people expiriance and what they say. I know raw food people were so happy and spiritual so i thought everything they said had to be right.
bottome line also to So just by cutting out processed sugars i autmotically cut out :
- Every desert
- Every soda/diet drink
- many breads
- some condimetns like kethup
- fast food like mcdonalds because of its sugar on breads and actually food.
- jellys/Butters/ nutella .(have too much fat and sugar)
So with that being said i will be consuming lots and lots of fresh greens and fruits every single day which give my body tons of nutients. With out all the sugary foods i cut our many fats which will help me look thinner and function properly and will make me healthyer. drinks avalible to me will be juiced drinks of veggies and fruits. Also the living water. So i willl really look and feel better if i eat tons of green veggies and fruits everyday. Its better to reach for those before cooked foods because raw veggies and frutis are nothing compared to cooked so yeah. ill eat fish and meat not so much meat tho and ill be btter oof. i think i can sustain this diet way better than a raw diet because it allows some cooked foods and allwas me to be normal. Its also less detoxing and i get the vital protiens and vitamins liek 2B 12 easily. maintaing a 100 % raw food diet is extemly expensive becuase you cant find all the products and you have to buy organic. IM not totally closed ot the idea as i have learned SO much from it. It really has opned my eyes. Portion sizes are also very important we dont need to have so much of anything. Of course we should ahve more of some things like fruits more than fats but everything needs to be in moderation :) GO GIRL!
ANd i have nevr felt this confident to say that :
" i want to be free of all adiction and have a great relationship with foods and have control over what i eat. I want to get to a point where i dont have to worry about my diet andymor enad cravings i want to be vibrant and stable. Pysicall with my weight, mentally with my view of nutiton and spiritually wuth my conection to the world and everythign else i do with my life"
WOW i feel so relived its like a huge weight has been lifted off of me. the cooked and raw just drove me nuts. but like i said its about expirancing it first hadn and followuing it for a while before i settle on a spesific diet that for me.
Monday, December 21, 2009
What a Ride ! WOHOO BABY :)
IM not sure tomorrow will be a green smoothie day but hey why not !
Its been a year since i had only green smoothies rite ? haha i wish
& here are my accomplishments so far :
- 3 day 100 % raw.
- 3 Day 100 % raw with.
- extemly high raw 4 days.
- 3 days raw with 2 days of water fasting.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
BLIZZARD> *update*
WE cleaned so much today the house has never looksed so good. yesterday i went ince skating and i got hurt real bad but i loved it soo much. My hips nad armpits are sore and my right ankel is sore cuz i was pushing on it the whole time but my left hip bone was cut a bit. it got swollen and very painful but in ok. we tried going out today in the snow it was like passsed my knees and everyones home. we have never had a snow liek this ever since i came to Md.
diet is going pretty welll. i have been slacking so much this week but today wasnt bad. i had injara with dads special eggs not too much but regular could have been smaller. I had 2 tiny tangerines and a cup of kale smoothie which was amazing. i burned a lot of calories fixing a lot of things. i will probably do the air climber :)> i was suprised last time it helped me look good because i had cooked stuff and it really helped with that. i nned to do the ab rocket and air climber more. So here the plan
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Getting the Hang of it.
i still have alittle bit more to go till i am satisfied. but im happy. I did my homowrods at a good speed today and yesterday. grades are pretty goof too! :)
Ahh what is this, lol
you gotta check out these pics but befoe that let me sya something.
today i ate all raw. i had nuts but a handfull but evyr controlled.
dinner i was not planing to eat cooked food but i did. i had macaroni with meat sauce
with injara. i didnt over eat. im glad i controlled it. but still i wanted to eat a little bit less even tho i ate a regular meal size and was satisfied i wanted to make it less because its still cooked and im trying to eat as much rw as possible with ocasional cooked. then episodes or high raw with some cooked not bad ones tho. that how my tansition will be.
other days i used to stress about everything now im more chill and i let things happen and i jsut move one. I want to dedicate more time to seekign the "truth". life has been so good to me lately i want more of it. :)
this week i want to focus also on how i treat otehrs and how i think and respond.
- Be nice and caring down to earth so humble.
- dont give anyone attitude.
- dont talk negative about others just keep it to your self.
- dont judge people and accept them.
- look fo rhte good htings in people not bad.
- show people love and tell them you love them.
- be affectionate and caring.
- Be the best person you can be !
Monday, December 14, 2009
i did my reading. i understood everyhting and underlines lal the important
things :) i have a little bit left to go and i willr ad before i go to bed and watch the church channel.
i ate very well today. I had banana for breakfast apple for lunch then apple after nap .
handufll of nuts and 4 bottles of water :P
and 2/3 rds of sushi which isnt bad :)
the workout i did yesterday worked because
i looked and felt skinny today :)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
its also great for my raw thing but its not about that.
today wasnt a great day. i had like 2 slicles of nutels on this bread.
2 cups of injara with meat sauce form this broth thing dad made.
little bit of niuts. proud of that ! haha.
its rainiy today ..sorta weird and im sad.
I miss mom so much :( but i love my second mom.
she is so awsome. fikirte talked to me the night she left saturday and
we talked and laughed i felt so confertable with her. she was so sad too.
she kept crying. we made a plan to have a huge party when she got back.
sometimes i jsut wont be raw well atleast not soemeime near.
there will be days where i will just eat and not think. thats okey. im sure all that wil go away when im a stable raw foodie :)
then if i need to i will go higher on the nuts and avocado and stuff not cooked food.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
3 Day Sections
doing raw for 3 days and then eating a cooked healthy vegan meal at
the night of day 3. then starting again for another 3 days. I need to wake up and say..
i got only today so let me be raw and not worry about tomorrow because moods attitudes change so if im having cravings now then its for now it wont last for long so no need to exaggerate and say oh i have no many days left i cant do this.
hopefully after keeping this 3 days thing for a while i will start eliminating one of the 3 days and
then keep going. Im not worried about roasted nuts. Just living life now...
letting the sun hit my face and enjoying this limited time i have :O