So i know that veggies and fruits need to be a daily part of my life everyday.the jucing helps and the smoothies to more because i think they will keep me fuller but they are both great. So i will consume lots of raw grens and veggies daily. especcially the greens for the detoxing cause i dont want to fall back. But it feel great now think about it , it seems so simple. i feel liek i can actualyl make this my way of life and it goes well with the raw diet to because i will be more than 75 raw all the time so thats great. I will need to drink lots of water per day to flush out eveything which i unerestimate sometimes.:( lol. Im happier now and its not a huge battle anymore. I dont want things liek processed sugar that will make me addcited because i know i am and i want to enjoy the freedom of having a great relationship with food. my binging will go away and my over eating will also go away. No joke for the first time it feels so real and makes Sense. its not some thing other do that i follow tis my own way my personalized plan and im not allowing my self to slack but rather loving my self to make desicons that are challenging but not everboard. The excersie is so great too. i will need to work out at least 3 times a week. hopefully more. Im really trying to ditch the cooked foods because of al the saturated fat but i want to be able to eat good grilled lean ptotien. milk is easy to give up anyways with all the crap these days. as far as injara thats okey for now in moderation i guess because i think its better than bread. Life is short and im not going to feel so guilty and do bad things anymore :) ITS OVER ... yeha baby.
- All raw greens
- All raw fruits
- Juiced/smoothie of raw veg/fruits
- Grilled lean protiens..chiken egges..etc.. (less fried)
- Low oil and fat intake of bad fats
- low consumption of cooked food.
refined sugars ( white rice, white pastas,sugary cremes dips, jellys dressing, most breads, deserts,etc..)
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