I have really being feeling more happy lately. Its because of the raw food lifestyle which has opned my life into a whole new amazing gift. i felt like i was so blind because i was missing out. i know the universe made me get into yoga and healthy eating and being happy. i can finnaly say that i have found the first road to hapiiness and there will be many more to come. The way my life has been changing has been amazing and also challenging. through the challenges i am really learning about my self. i want to develope a positive attitide about my self. i gained this mentality of i will not give up and i dont think i ever will because i have been scared for life in a good way. for the first time in my life i understood the purpose of life and i enjoy facing new challnges. i am more open to things and i am questioning a lot of things in my life. I get very unhappy when i "fall of the wagon" or when im negative at tiems but im learning to move on and just live my life day by day. all the planning never did any good. My eyes have been opned in a sense that i amin a different realm. they way i see things others are so blind to like i was. I am eating so much better. i Dont binge barely anymore. I am nicer and trying to really enjoy living in the moment. I now knowit okey to expiriance pain because at the end its all worth it. and plus im sucha dare devil i like challnge bring it ON! lol :P silly me . i know now aware of the law of attraction.. i thought it was a relationship with a person but i found it a relationship with the universe. My Prorities have changedon what i want to do with my life. I will let the universe answer that. I thought yoga was sorta dumb now its amazing and love and peace and everything to mee even tho i dont practice it often and i will but i know what it can do. I no longer really am confident with what i want to become.. Im thinking in the medical field but if i let the universe guide me it will be even better. I am more sensetive and am irritated by this fast paced american life i want to be somewhere peacfull and warm .. where the sun shines all the time.. the waves crash and i sit at thes hore with my amazing husband and kindsss.. AHh thinking about it i can drown. BUt even if my envisioned dreams dont come true i know a better one will ...but All i can say it that through the ups and downs i am so GLAD i found a new way to live. I dont know what else there is after this. The more i seek the more i find. This new school year i wished for christian friends and hapiness and for a good school year and overall hapiness! I can finally see it happening. I dont know what else will happen till summer. So far its been amazing.
My Facebook status.. thought i would share because i dont want to forget it.
"More and more alert to my surrouding. Blocking all the world out and entering a realm of the unknown. Learning and seeking. Finding is the best gifts of life. open to the things to come that i may not know.Spiritauality is not a religion but your inner self. At the end of the day the universe alone is my guide. Were not her to suffer but to smlie each second we got". -- Betty. S
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