I no longer am so confused about what kind of diet i should approach.
the raw diet never really fully resinated in me but a lot of things did make sense like
the consumption of veggies each day adn fruits. It tought me a lot about the importnace of water and natural sugar. The cooking does sestryoy many nutients but things like tomatoe are better absorbed when cooked. Im not removing all cooked foods from my diet as that would drive me crazy and im nto ready for that and dont see why its so mimportant because i have a new plan that i know will work for sure if i follow it. Basically i want to cut all unatural processed sugars from my diet such as table sugar,cane sugar, sweetners, dextrose, high furctose corn syrup cold turkey. Sugar is one of the most addicting substances there is. No doubt about that. Unatural sugar has no nutirional value what so ever. It does give you energy and it is highly addictive which explains why amaerica is fat. there is sugar in everything. yougerts are hlaf filled with sugar which serves nothing more than taste. Nothing. So i want to start thinking about what the foods i eat do to my body and how they make me feel and what harm they cause. I dont want to addicted to sugar. I dont want to have an emotional relationship with food which i KNOW i do.
I ove sugary things. i dont drink soda but i do eat a high fat high sugar diet. So all artifical sugars that are not man made are should be cut out! i dont want to over whelme my body with that so i will consume healthy breads without the horrible sugars and with relular sugars that are liek 1 gram. This is a process i will fine tune my diet even more but for now this is something i need to do. Things make more sense as i epirament with them whithin my own body and also reaserch is very important. with the raw foods i tsort of made sense but i wasnt ready to give up all cooked foods cold turkey. Like today im water fasting yesterday i had only green smoothie and before that day i had only raw foods. Milk has amazed me so much that i am willing ot give it up for a WHILE! but now that i think about it there is milk in so many things liek bread and pastas.
So this whole sugar thing was what i needed to end first. When you cut man made sugars out of your diet you cut out a lot of cooked processed high fat foods. so just by cutting out artifcial sugars whcih are in everything basically you cutout tons of fat and cooked foods. Now cooked foods are not horibble but they can be when they have dangeroues amounts of fat and hydroginated oils and sugar in them. So a cooked chicken is good like grilled chikcen not fried.
So this sugar addiction i have will have to entually go away. water fasting and gren smoothie will help me detox and make that process fater so thats good. Fats play a major role also so i need to relaly cut down on my fats and more on sugars like cold turkey on sugars becuase if i dont do it at once its just going a process of extemly high and lows. turst me but if this whole cold turkey really inst helping me then i will cut out tons of sugar but still have a little. Another amazing thing i leanred wat that man from early historic times was an OMinivore meaning we ate plants and animals. god allows me to cook my food welll atleast my meats and eat it so im not becoming no vagan or vegitarian anytime soon. So even by that whole thing im freed form thinking man should eat only plants as stated by some raw food advocates. a very cool thought accured to me when people said " what animal coooks it food" well before i thought omg thats so ture they are all raw . then today after weeks of being blind i asked . " what animal has the abilitys and mental capacity and resources to cook its food ? " the answer was none. So lets not get enveloped into some new diet because you are facinated by what people expiriance and what they say. I know raw food people were so happy and spiritual so i thought everything they said had to be right.
bottome line also to So just by cutting out processed sugars i autmotically cut out :
- Every desert
- Every soda/diet drink
- many breads
- some condimetns like kethup
- fast food like mcdonalds because of its sugar on breads and actually food.
- jellys/Butters/ nutella .(have too much fat and sugar)
So with that being said i will be consuming lots and lots of fresh greens and fruits every single day which give my body tons of nutients. With out all the sugary foods i cut our many fats which will help me look thinner and function properly and will make me healthyer. drinks avalible to me will be juiced drinks of veggies and fruits. Also the living water. So i willl really look and feel better if i eat tons of green veggies and fruits everyday. Its better to reach for those before cooked foods because raw veggies and frutis are nothing compared to cooked so yeah. ill eat fish and meat not so much meat tho and ill be btter oof. i think i can sustain this diet way better than a raw diet because it allows some cooked foods and allwas me to be normal. Its also less detoxing and i get the vital protiens and vitamins liek 2B 12 easily. maintaing a 100 % raw food diet is extemly expensive becuase you cant find all the products and you have to buy organic. IM not totally closed ot the idea as i have learned SO much from it. It really has opned my eyes. Portion sizes are also very important we dont need to have so much of anything. Of course we should ahve more of some things like fruits more than fats but everything needs to be in moderation :) GO GIRL!
ANd i have nevr felt this confident to say that :
" i want to be free of all adiction and have a great relationship with foods and have control over what i eat. I want to get to a point where i dont have to worry about my diet andymor enad cravings i want to be vibrant and stable. Pysicall with my weight, mentally with my view of nutiton and spiritually wuth my conection to the world and everythign else i do with my life"
WOW i feel so relived its like a huge weight has been lifted off of me. the cooked and raw just drove me nuts. but like i said its about expirancing it first hadn and followuing it for a while before i settle on a spesific diet that for me.
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