look forward :)

look forward :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

100% Raw Day 1♥

Today is the first day! feeling like i can really make it through because i feel like i have expirance and i know my weak spots better. I was so inspired by lowana and andrew 100 % raw for months and i have to be able to do 7 days. Its something i have to do period. I want to feel vibrant and expirance the things people always talk about. Right now im not thinking about being a 100% raw foodist for ever. I am expiramenting and learning as i go but these 7 days are the most important because its the start of everything. if i can do this i would love to do another 7 day then 2 weeks after that then a month! I am so excited i love having goals. It the start of a new quarter and a new eating habit. were on a Roll here.

Today- i was motivated but wow i had some craving but i handeld all of them so well.

Breakfast- green smoothie of spinach and Banana
Lunch- with yilmish & had slalsa with green smothie of carrots,spinach,banana and apple :)
Snack- 1 banana, 1 apple and 2 carrots chopped up! Yummy and filling
nap ..♥
Dinner- rest of green smoothie from morning
& a banana ,tiny apple, 1/2 grape fruit!

Stuff- I looked pretty fit this morning and i looked skinnyer. :)
Good luck with tomorrow and i know i can do it and 6 more days left.

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