Today i woke up around 10.30. i had an aching pain on my shoulders. i was very cold and 109 LBS! lowest i have ever been. I feel awsome. not really hungry or craving anything in particular. If i keep feeling this way i can do it longer. They say when your not hungry anymore then you have switched to Ketosis but i was thinking it might actually be that because i didnt eat anything yesteraday. Only the drained kale juice & smoothie i had. Prior to that i was raw from monday. I was also high to 100% raw hrougout the week so detoxing already started but now it on full gear ! im happy today i am a little weak but that its no headaches no hunger rite now. just chill. INTERESTNG THING : i went to chinas house thankfully nothing bad happned. ii told god to make it good and he did more than that. i taled fod so long about my favorite tope the how did we get here thorey. it went very well. He was interested & told me we needed to meet up one day to finish. he told me i grew so much and got skinner. :) lol im happy. Today was okey i was tempted at chinas like omg that looks so good but it was controlled it wasnt i wanna eat it sooooo bad it was just like im hungry that looks good. i feel like my digestive system is kinda closing but i still have cravings like nuts. nuts are the bif thing today with banana fir fir and lasana, macaroni .. those are the main foods. im suprised i wasnt going crazy. pretty chill. IM excellent i must say. i measered my blood pressure it was 61 for heart rate and 104/62 .. thats pretty low. my heart rate has dropped a lot. also i cant stop thinking about food. natural i guess. but its interesting how we dont apriciate what we got and freak out when something is changed. Im not sure if its natural what i feel or gods extra help. i did prepare ahead of time and i dindte eat anything solid yesterday nor comsume too much sugar except the one banana . right now im confused about the future, I know i really need to complete this. never want to fail at this but what i should eat in the fute to be 100 % rawor not its kinda confuseing. I dont know how i will find a balance of cooked and raw. idk if i need to try the 30 days raw challenge. i really have no clue what the future holds. Ill pray and i shall find out :) My gods not a confuseing god! today i didnt read the bible till later at night which i wont beat my self up over. i aldo meditated late at night. thats it for today. btw i drank a total of 8 bottles of water.See ya tomorrow.
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