look forward :)

look forward :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009


it all started with a video i saw of a girl who was talking about visualization and that if we cans ee our dreams even if they take 10 years we can make it possible. I also saw videos of people who were way overweight than i was so determind. It opned my eyes. i dont know how it happned but i started feelign alive. I suddnely saw life in a whole new dimension !
I am now at a point where i am so determind and no matter what happnes i am going to pick my self up and try again and i KNOW at some point my dreams will come true. maybe not exactly how i imagnined them but they sure will. Maybe even better. I belive there is a force out there that is for me and not against me! i have been so drawn to it and i cant imagine living without it.
it feels so good. For the first time in my life i can say i have found the KEY!
now its not about weather god exist or weather i can be smart or weather i can ever over come addicitons. IF I CAN TRY MY HARDEST WITH WHAT I KNOW. IF I CAN REACH NEW HEIGHTS. IF I CAN JUST DREAM AND TRY TO BE HAPPY. IF I CAN JUST SUFFER A LITTLE BIT THEN SOMETHING GREAT WILL HAPPEN.

I am so mad that i havent been living this way. I have prayed for a miracle and here it is. I am so thankfull and i Will try to remeber this for ever and i may fall but i'll be up baby !

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