look forward :)

look forward :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Today is January , 26, 2011 !
Things have been going well lately because im not on a DIET!
Its a lifestyle and i realy realy am sick of being sick and tired of being unhappy with my weight. So i have stopped all the high and lows with my weight and diet. So I have been eating smaller portions, listening to my body. if i eat more one day, its expected but baby i tell you moderation is my best friend. I no longer feel guilty about having things like starbux. Steve from bodypreformaceTV has really helped me focus on having a lifetyle and realalizing that weightloss occurs because of calories in and calories out. Certain foods dont make you fat its excess calories that add on the pounds. So by excercising a litle bit less and eating a little bit more consistently will add on unwanted weight. So im done stugling with my weight because it has been an ongoing cycle of super high motivation vs. motivation binge eating. I now understand the value of Habits. So i have been working out even when i dont feel like it because just like brushing my teeth or going to school its something that i do. Its very early but i know this is going to be a huge sucucess if kept up ! also hence the title of this post Consistency is so key because that is what shows that i have a lifestyle not some phase. I am focusing on being patient and having faith which i think is th ehardest part for me. Im always doubting if what im doing is working though i see the results in the mirror and i guess the inpatience plays into this too. But some days i eat super healthy like on monday i had all fruits all day except for a turkey sancwhich i believe which was great. my key is not focusin on WHAT i eat but HOW MUCH i eat. Its not injara, bread, etc. that makes me gain weight its eating too much of the wrong types of food. So my moto is OUTWEIGHT the bad with GOOD! If this is done it reats a calorie defecit and you lose weight, considering consistency and for a more drastic result be more consistent and have more good than bad. WEightloss or staying fit is not complicated you just have to make it a lifestyle and a lifestyle is something you have to enjoy and tolorate so saying im never going to eat this and that is not going to help you because you will feel restricted. Its not about abandonment its about Balance...LOVE YOUR BODY

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